chapter – 168 – lelio The Explorer Crowia

Epsilon started doing himself a breakfast. He was not looking for something else for the time being. Hehave time in his hands and he had just chosed a “Law” for himself and comprehended. It can be said thathe have some sort of emotion that inside of himself. Right now it is time to be rest a little bit he believes.If …

chapter – 167 – Hell Stairs Soul Ability

In the Blue Tear City. A young man in his twenties in a some sort of a home. That must be too old as itwas hardly standing. The young man was an ordinary man no mage or anything. But he had strongwillpower and a revenge that manifest in his mind.The name of the young man was Albatros. Albatros Analior. Albatros …

Chapter – 166 – Passive and Active Powers

Mobius Strip gave Epsilon powers of control of dimensions. Space and Infinity. The Laws have twodifferent sets of power that gives it is users. One is passive and other is active. The Passive Abilities areself-explanatory. It gives user passive abilities that can use. %10 Mobius Strip Law gives %10Dimension. Space control to user of it. This does not mean %100 …

chapter – 165 – Born of a New Law Being

There was a different glint in them as Epsilon opened his eyes. He proceeded to immediately check his two different status panels at the same time to see any changes. ‘Status’ ‘Epsilon (Nick)’ ‘Level – Cardinal’ ‘INT = 100.0’ ‘Physical = Human & Magic Being’ ‘Spells’ ‘Sonic Bullet (Variations – Poison Bullet, Machine Gun, Sonic Bullet etc)’ “Plasma Bullet (Variations …

Chapter – 164 – The New Understanding

Some things were better left unanswered. Epsilon opened his eyes and smiled. Everything started to seem fine after he stopped thinking and forgot about all the things that had happened in his mind. It was best to stop looking for an answer for everything. If not, he would lose his mind. Epsilon had decided to take a step back and …

chapter – 163 – Graditute

Having reached some semblance of a solution, Epsilon smiled. He believed the answer he was looking for was gratitude. The only way to break arrogance was indeed humility, which comes when people are thankful for what they have and accept what they do not. This itself was progress for evolved human beings. However, this was not even the issue in …

chapter – 162 – Trial Of Law

There was an important detail that Epsilon was not aware of regarding what he felt and why he was feeling it. It was the Trial of Law. This was a test in a trance-like state and in the dreamish dimension that pulled in the individual who had comprehended a law. If not for this trance-like state itself, it would several …

chapter – 161 – The Nothing and Arrogance

Epsilon gave out a deep sigh as he understood what was happening to him and what his destiny would be in the future. More and more he realized his sighs and long breaths had increased in this new world, and if he ever to put it all together, it would be enough to fill in an entire planet’s atmosphere. Not …

Chapter – 160 – The Law vs Magic

Epsilon wanted to check his status immediately to see the fruits of his labor. He took a deep breath and opened his status to see the changes. ‘Status’ ‘Epsilon (Nick)’ ‘Level – Lord – Advanced’ ‘INT = 73.5’ ‘Physical = Human & Magic Being’ ‘Spells’ ‘Sonic Bullet (Variations – Poison Bullet, Machine Gun, Sonic Bullet etc)’ “Plasma Bullet (Variations – …

chapter – 159 – Mobius Strip Law

Epsilon wanted to use the Mobius Strip to gather the power of infinity. Right now, he did not know what kind of power the Mobius strip would give to him. The reasons why he chose some conceptual was fairly simple — it gave power. Also, the knowledge of conceptual things was limited to how much people discovered about them. This …