chapter – 158 – ınfinity

Epsilon was not among those who would feel too bad for him after knowing his shortcomings by learning about the more powerful things out there. It was true that compared to a Law Being, he was weaker but that meant nothing in his eyes. Several reasons boosted his self-confidence. The first among these was that he trusted his imagination capability. …

chapter 157 – Scary Law Beings

Epsilon kept reading ‘Introduction to Law and Law Power’. The book was interesting and Epsilon felt many new possibilities were opening up in his mind in context to power and more. He did not find the information boring or taking a mental toll on him. On the contrary, he was so interested that he wanted to read more on the …

Chapter 156 – The Law

Busybody Epsilon kept doing this and that. Eventually, his mind wandered to how much of his dedication and meditation had resulted in improving his status and power. Therefore, he found himself a comfortable sitting spot and opened his status system for the update. ‘Status’ ‘Epsilon (Nick)’ ‘Level – Lord – Advanced’ ‘INT = 73.5’ ‘Physical = Human & Magic Being’ …

chapter – 155 – Stone Golem Factory Ensures

On a rocky stone island in one dimension, crow-looking humanoids were working hard and in another dimension far away, Epsilon was filled with happy emotions just looking at them. In the last many minutes, he watched the Crowia race work on simple things such as building houses and structures of different units that needed to be prepared for a race …

chapter – 154 – Plans Of Crowia

King Crowia bought some wood and simple tools for developing homes and other kinds of building for various purposes. These structures were needed for the Crowia race members to live with their partners and begin their families. The families were needed so that over time, their population could grow. With enough people, more could be done it was not the …

chapter – 153 – Stone Island Of Crowia

Having bought a reasonably fine piece of property for Sparia and his members, Epsilon felt good about himself. He smiled as he thought of their words and eyes filled with gratitude. In one week, they would begin to move to their land and build their home there permanently, most likely. Just two days had passed since the time he bought …

chapter – 152 – Starlord Planet

The land was filled with mountains and caves. The distance end-to-end was 1000 KM and it was shaped as a cubic, therefore around 1000×1000 KM. It was rather big for a starter land and was priced at 500,000 Ether Stones. This was the price of half a Void Stone but Epsilon could afford it without thinking too much. Epsilon’s energy …

chapter – 151 – Do not Mess With Him

Epsilon could hear muffled morning noises as he opened his eyes. He was in his room, waking up to a new day. He was left rather exerted after his feat in completing project Crowia, which entailed the creation of a new race. However, even he was aware that he did not need sleep to recuperate. This was just mental conditioning …

Chapter – 150 – werfur and Green Spider Race

Seeing that his race was finally alive and in action, Epsilon went back to his home smiling. He was happy that the Crowia race creation was completed. The Crowia race was not aware but Epsilon had done something that they could not understand with their present level of intelligence or knowledge. He knew there were other races and beings in …

chapter – 149 – Wind Cat Lords escapes

The Wind Cat Lords realized how dangerous the situation was and began escaping without looking back. They were scared and understood from the power of the creatures they encountered, whose master looked like the Humanity Statue, that their opponent was stronger than them by a considerable margin. Given his power, and at the same time seeing he had not even …