Arc 11 Chapter 233: Aiding Gountain city

“By who?” asked Akira. “I have no idea. The relay warning is only for when they are under attack and need reinforcements,” said Gu’red. Ding! New quest received! Gountain city under attack! An unknown force is attacking the city of Gountain. Help drive off the attack! If you successfully defeat the entire force you will receive a bonus reward. Accept? …

Arc 11 Chapter 232: Riber Library

Akira watched the land pass by as the fast Sloop-of-war sailed down the river nearing its destination. Ding! Announcement! Blank has gathered enough resources to complete Branch 2 stage 2! Branch 2 stage 3 Fermentation start! Branch 2 stage 2 complete! Reward: 200 gold, 200 main quest points, +20 fame! Branch 2 stage 3 Fermentation: Search for an ingredient or …

Arc 11 Chapter 231: Down the hole

When Alpants was satisfied that the two girls were Okay he turned to Akira. “Please make sure they don’t go doing anything stupid,” was all he said before he launched himself into the air headed towards one of the remaining groups of [Dribers]. “OH HO HO HO! We showed that food who the boss was. Although we can’t eat it …

Arc 11 Chapter 230: Driber

The 200 plus Draconian warriors followed Alhants as he charged through the narrow opening of the two large stone doors. Scales covered Alpants head once again creating the ancient-looking howling beast helmet. “Follow me!” said Alpants, his voice sounding deeper and echoed loudly off the stone walls. Akira and Fluffball led the charge forward with Alpants, while Mileena, the two …

Arc 11 Chapter 229: Arriving at the Junk Pile

“Why are you following us BorraEisZimaGeleiraDreki!” shouted an agitated Fleur. “Hey! I said to use my nickname like all rivals do!” said Borra with a large smile. “If I do, will you leave me alone?” “No.” “Then why should I?” This had been going on since Fleur had started to lead them to the junk pile and it did not …

Arc 11 Chapter 228: What are you doing here?

The [Pengi-pengin] continued to munch on crystals from nearby piles as it watched the struggling red-scaled figure which had slammed headfirst into the snowbank. Two red-scaled legs and a slim tail were sticking up out of the snowbank flailing about sending snow up into the air. “That looks like…” said Mileena. “Yeah…” was all Akira said. They all watched as …

Arc 11 Chapter 227: Peng!

Far in the south lands near the most outer edge of the Smok mountain chain, Ten people were fighting a furious battle. “Damn it… I can barely see anything with this blizzard!” shouted Kira Stera, her hair flying around in the cold winds. “Stop complaining and stay focused! We just have to defeat this monster and then we can have …

Arc 11 Chapter 226: Safezone

Several days had passed since the battle against Bonestringer and his large force of Molten onyx infected. The dark cloud that had covered the icy plains near the Madu stronghold was now nowhere to be seen. Klyn, along with his subordinate holy shaman, had been busy over the last few days helping the stronghold’s healers work on hundreds of new …

arc 11 Chapter 225: Battle of Madu

“MOVE YOUR SCALY BUTTS!” shouted Zundar.  He kicked a few of the Ramia warriors in the butt as they were fumbling around the place. The main force of panicked Ramia warriors tried to create some semblance of a formation under the guidance of Chief Raibread before the Infected could reach them. Fluffball, already full-sized, was running behind the battle line …

Arc 11 Chapter 224: Stronghold of Madu

Bam!  A heavy blow from a one-handed war hammer slammed into the chest of a Skinny Grunner.  Crack! The blow to the chest hit the core gem causing it to crack wide open. Akira did not spend another second to look at the Grunner as he continued to charge forward with Grarr as they cleared out the gathered mob of …