Arc 8 Chapter 143: Puman

Several people disembarked from a large ship onto the snow-covered ground. “Kooter, Why did we have to come to this cold continent?” asked a female carrying a large wooden staff wearing a large fluffy coat over her leather robe. She and 30 other Demigods from the Demon hunter guild had been ordered by the guild leader to get on the …

Arc 8 Chapter 142:  Mother Snow Panthers Den

“What are you doing!? Don’t touch it!” shouted Klyn, but his warning was too late. Ding! Party leader has initiated the Boss battle. Transferring party to the [Mother Snow Panthers Den]. With A bright flash, the swirling light expanded and engulfed Akira. The warriors began to panic but they had little time to worry about it as the light washed …

Arc 8 Chapter 141: Twin Tail Snow Panthers Lair

Ding! Level up! You are now Level 71!Command skill level up! +1 Charisma!+2 Toughness! As Akira was chatting with a few of the wounded warriors, a sled pulled by a large reindeer stopped a short distance away from Akira and the warriors. “Don’t forget to repair the snow wall,” Akira reminded the warriors who were now gathering materials from the …

Arc 8 Chapter 140: Jerora

The sound of the warm crackling fire filled the governor’s office and lit up the room. Outside the large glass windows, Akira could see the gray gloomy sky filled with clouds with fresh snow falling. A tired man with dark bags under his eyes sat behind a large wooden desk that was filled with stacks of papers crying out for …

Arc 8 Chapter 139: On the road again

“What’s with these useless idiots? They’re fighting each other for no reason!” grumbled Bonestringer in a dark corner of the Snow owl tavern. “Three of them were killed, and they still haven’t been reborn. Are they really demigods?” asked Tibia. Both wore dark robes that covered their bodies and hoods that hid their faces in shadows. “Before coming here to …

Arc 8 Chapter 138: Darkmoon clan

“There is nothing we can do about it,” said Carl as he thumped Wulfric on the back. “It is foolish to split up and go our separate ways. Do they really think that an ocean will stop the demigods? It will only give us more time to prepare for the future. There is no telling what they will find at …

Arc 8 Chapter 137: Froit

Puffs of foggy breath escaped Akira’s mouth as he scanned the surrounding sand dunes on the beach and the nearby woods in the early dawn light. The morning light hitting the fresh new snow that had come down over the night glittered as if it were a gem. “Is everyone that’s going here?” asked Wulfric as he looked at the …

Arc 8 Chapter 136:  Foradverold

“Man…I picked the wrong thing to specialize in. I should have become a merchant, then I wouldn’t have to spend such a long time on a boat sailing to some backwater continent,” complained LieLie as she walked towards the ship along with the other members of the Demon hunter guild. She stood out from the rest of the party due …

Arc 8 Chapter 135: Who are you?

“Oh? Someone made you angry enough to want them killed?” asked Scar. “He killed my father,” said Rodger with a sour face. “I see. So where is this person that you want killed?” “I don’t know exactly where he is right now, the last place I saw him was in the southern swamplands. But it seems the werewolves have either …

Arc 8 Chapter 134: The Orc clans decision

Several weeks before. With the appearance of the demigod every day hundreds had been appearing and soon that number rose to nearly a thousand a day as new Demigods started to appear in any one of the four Halrverold Kingdoms capitals. *** The Orc cities had already received the warning messages from the Earth tribe of the Demigod threat before …