Arc 6 Chapter 83: Ocean adventure

Akira had to pay even more money to Fiman in order to get the tools and material that Fiman suggested that they would need if they wanted to properly fix the ship. As a free service, Fiman gave them a quick run through on how to properly use the ships sail and rudder to steer the ship. It took them …

Arc 6 Chapter 82: Seamen

Akira walked over to the large stone slab that was blocking the door behind them it was as sturdy and unmoving as a mountain. Ding! Quest update! Find the secret exit and escape: You are close to escaping the clutches of the Caidia empire. Find the secret exit to leave the pyramid. “Well? What do we do now?” asked Maya. …

Arc 6 Chapter 81: Who’s your mummy?

“For some reason, I feel full of energy and ready to fight,” said Mileena as she walked back and forth near the extinguished fire. “I feel like I just woke up from a good sleep,” said Varbu stretching his muscles. “I always feel like that when I make a fire,” said Maya. ‘It’s all because of your skill,’ thought Akira. …

Arc 6 Chapter 80: There’s nothing like camping…in a dungeon

Akira walked over to the large stone blocking the entrance and hit it a few times testing its strength. It seemed to be as hard as any normal metal he knew of, it may even be harder. The large stone fit snugly against the wall and ground showing no cracks to stick anything into denying anyone the chance to try …

Arc 5 Chapter 79: Escape!

An arrow flew through the cramped hot arena entering the area reserved for special guest and tore off a female nobles wig right off of her head and nailing it to the stone wall behind her. “Wow! Would you look at that even Maya’s missed arrows still do not fail to impress. With this win Maya will be entering the …

Arc 5 Chapter 78: Start the Plan!

Maya exhausted from the life and death battle she was forced to fight, slowly followed the arena guards that were escorting her back to her temporary underground holding cell, where she would stay until her next battle. Clang! The metal door was shut behind her. The dark empty cell reminded her of all the trouble she had endured for the …

Arc 5 Chapter 77: Win win win

Akira and Mileena continued to win their matches and spent the rest of the day searching for clues hoping to find where the gladiators where living. No matter how hard they searched they were unable to find another entrance that the gladiators would be escorted through. They even watched the entrances to see if they would be brought through one …

Arc 5 Chapter 76: Let the tournament begin!

Akira, Varbu, and Mileena sat at an old stained and scared wooden table in the rundown inn they were staying at. They were eating a meager vegetable soup that had more broth than vegetables. While Akira and Mileena had been fighting to enter the tournament Varbu had searched for a place to stay for the duration of the tournament and …

Arc 5 Chapter 75: Fight!

“Old geezer please explain the rules,” said Khepri. The old judge hobbled forward using a cane to keep steady and grabbed the bullhorn from the young teenager. ”The main rules are simple, don’t kill your opponent and listen to the judge when they give a verdict or you will be disqualified and not allowed to participate in any tournament in …

Arc 5 Chapter 74: Tournament registration

The morning desert sun was slowly rising into the sky warming the lingering chilly desert night air. Akira stood in the long line to enter the capital Otria, along with Mileena and Varbu. For some unknown reason, he felt extremely happy and was smiling while looking around at his surroundings. “Tch, stop that. You’re making me and everyone else around …