chapter 23

P.S. Here Mr. Jeon from now is going to be Jeongukk and Jungkook’s father. MR. JEON’S POV: Yugyeom called me and said Jungkook was getting very anxious because Jeongukk hadn’t reached the venue yet. I told him I will call and get in contact with him. I called Jeongukk. It rang but he didn’t receive, until later I decided to …

Chapter 22

WARNING: Ahead in the few coming chapters are scenes which are sensitive like death of a loved one. If you are sensitive to such scenes, please skip. You have been warned!!!! JEONGUKK’S POV Contd.. I walked out of the doctor’s office and went back home. But later that evening, I got a call from him. “Mr. Jeon, it won’t be …

chapter 21

JEONGUKK’S POV: 10 years passed since I moved to America leaving everything behind. I left him behind too. But look at  him shinning so brightly now. He was a part of the world famous band, BTS. It made me feel proud of everybody. I would have been a part of it, if I stayed back. I know they wouldn’t let …

chapter 20

*TIMESKIP* JUNGKOOK’S POV: It was almost 10 years now since hyung came to America with mom. I underwent a surgery and that helped me upto now. But I still had to take a lot of care of myself. I had made myself a name. I became a very famous popstar, a singer, and producer. I produced many of my music …

chapter 19

TAEHYUNG’S POV: Two years… It was two years since Jeongukk disappeared.  We even debuted as a group, BTS, last year. All our hard work and efforts were being recognised and we started gaining lots of fans and were getting to the top step by step. Our music reflected the common ongoing problems of the youth. And therefore our listeners found …

chapter 18

JEONGUKK’S POV Cont.. *TIMESKIP* Jungkook underwent a surgery again which made his life little better. But he still needed a transplant. The surgery was just a temporary solution. Doctors said that it was impossible for him to go on like this. But the list of people waiting for transplants was huge. Jungkook could not afford to wait for that long.  …

chapter 17

JEONGUKK’S POV: The next morning we reached America, Appa came to pick us up. I ran to Appa and hugged him. “How is Jungkook? Can I see him?” I asked immediately. “He is..” Appa stopped mid-sentence, which made me look at me. “Take me to him. Now. We can go home later. I want to see him Appa.” I begged …

chapter 16

TAEHYUNG’S POV: It’s been a week since Jeongukk had disappeared. I had finally decided to tell him that I had fallen for him. That I wanted him at least try loving me if he could. Together with Jin hyung and Jimin, I went to his place where he stayed. But sadly, we found the house locked. We even tried asking …

chapter 15

JEONGUKK’S POV: Jin hyung insisted that I talk to him about my problems, but how do I tell him, that I am worried for my brother and I am scared to lose him. How do I tell him, that the kid he loved, might leave this world very soon??? I was scared to get attached to all of them. But, …

chapter 14

JIMIN’S POV: “Hyung, I think Taehyung like Jeongukk. But we have to keep this a secret okay?” I told Jin hyung who smiled very brightly. “Are you serious?” Jin hyung asked again and I nodded. “You know, they both suit each other very well. It’s like they are made for each other. A match made in heaven you can say.” …