Chapter 50 – New Year

“Get back Gizmo! You don’t need to aggravate them even further, they’re right behind you! Bendan, get it there and help him now! Okay, now you two hold him off for a minute… okay now Tyron go from behind now!” commanded Luon over the team chat as he gazed upon the map on the tabletop in front of him. When …

Chapter 49 – The End Of Exams

“It’s a scouting skill,” said the man named Alpha. In another room used to monitor Luon’s progression Alpha, Delta and Beta were watching his every move. Alpha and Delta were very interested in Luon’s choice of skill. However, Beta had an odd expression on his face. “To think he could actually accomplish it. Right now we should take it to …

Chapter 48 – Engineering Examination Lv2

The Vortex Container is a magically broken device, in a good way that is. To accelerate a person’s mental progression by nearly ten times the original amount of time required is already a world-shattering discovery. According to what Luon had found out so far about the Vortex container it was first developed half a century ago by an engineer from …

Chapter 47 – The End Of Survival Training

“So you’re saying that Luon killed the Clamaris, and you stood there watching?” questioned Captain Waver. “Yes, I wasn’t able to subdue that easily yet the boy took care of it without breaking a sweat,” said Helen. At this moment Helen was kneeling in front of Captain Waver who laid back on a chair while questioning Helen. Hearing the mystical …

Chapter 46 – Queen’s Death

Helen who was repelled by the Clamaris flew several meters away. She tried her best to get up and rush over to help Luon, but she was too late. The Clamaris swung its claws intending to reap Luon’s life. She couldn’t bear to watch the scene where one of her students is killed in front of her. However, she didn’t …

Chapter 45 – Evolution

“Kwaa-” an eerie sound came from a Ravager who noticed Luon’s ambush. It tried to signal its allies about the ambush, but it was cut off along with its head. Luon’s sword swiftly beheaded the Ravager, however, in response the others had noticed their presences almost immediately. When Luon was dealing with the first Ravager, Bendan, Gizmo, and Tyron weren’t …

Chapter 44 – Inzektor Queen Clamaris

“It’s great to see you alive and kicking,” said Gizmo as Luon and Arisa landed on the wall where they were at. Luon smiled at his remark and replied, “It’s great to see that the fort hasn’t fallen yet. Looks like I left it in great hands. Anyways… how are we doing on munitions? We only need to hold on …

Chapter 43 – Return

It was a silent stare off between two people. One the person was the perpetrator of the mess, and the other was the victim. Luon who performed a CPR like task usually wouldn’t mind such a thing, but if taking in consideration for Arisa’s feelings, he felt a tad bit bad despite having done so to save her life. He …

Chapter 42 – A Surprising Turnabout

“So how do you plan on doing this,” said Arisa as the car twisted and turn to dodge the attacks of several Inzektors. “How long would it take for you to exterminate the Kalastor?” Luon asked. Arisa pondered for a moment before saying, “If the other Inzektors don’t disturb me… about 10 seconds. I have fought it in the simulations …

Chapter 41 – Stranded

The group of vehicles zoomed through the forest, the crowd of Inzektors that were behind them was blown into smithereens by the explosion that the outpost had caused. At this moment everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It was a short battle lasting around a quarter of an hour before the base fell. The engineers were tired from overworking, the …