Chapter 8: Bloody secrets, and can love and friendship solve everything?

The atmosphere of the small chapel was thick with tension, the air unpleasant. In the center, a pool filled with a sinister red liquid glowed ominously under the faint light. Anthony’s eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with unease. “I told you. It’s meant for sacrifices. That’s blood.” The metallic scent assaulted my nostrils. Like a breath on the back of …

Chapter 7: A message for all.

Only Anthony, the vampire girl, and I remained in the room. She shot me a peculiar look, her eyes shadowed with mystery. Meanwhile, Anthony regarded her with a similar ambiguity. Sandwiched between their silent exchange, I felt like a bystander caught in a private standoff. Desperate to break the tension, I ventured, “What’s our plan? We might have a potential …

Chapter 6: Humilliated by a pervert and annoying jokes.

‘Now, Roger, synchronize!’ I urged internally, bracing for impact. … With a tight-lipped smile, I said proudly, “You’ll see.” Anticipating her next move, I swiftly sidestepped her lunging strike. Seizing the moment, I pivoted on my heel and delivered a powerful punch straight into her abdomen, the force resonating through my arm. A cramp of frustration coursed through me. Our …

Chapter 5. Duel… And what the hell can that woman do with her mouth?

“I’ll kick your ass, bitch!” I spat, my glare intense and unyielding as I faced the self-assured girl before me. “Are you aware I could kill you for speaking to me like that?” she responded, her voice dripping with mockery as she leisurely stretched her muscles. “That won’t be happening, not on my watch,” Anthony chimed in, his eyes blazing …

Chapter 4: Emergency meeting and unwarranted provocations by a crazy woman.

The heavy oak door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit chamber beyond. “I’ve made it,” I announced as I stepped into Anthony’s room, the soft glow of candles casting shadows on the walls. Within the cavities of my consciousness, Roger’s voice resonated, tinged with awe and curiosity. ‘Impressive quarters. Haven’t seen anything like this before.’ I moved closer to the …

Chapter 3. Swap!

“What happened back there, Alex? Weren’t attacks only at night?” Eliza’s voice trembled, her eyes wide with fear. “What was that, Alex? I thought they only attacked at night!” Eliza’s voice quivered, her eyes filled with fear. ‘Alex, what just happened?’ I wondered, needing answers. Alex’s voice resonated in my mind, ‘Things are changing. They’re attacking even during the day …

Chapter 2. Between Playful Teases and Terrifying Discoveries

The disturbing crunch of Anthony’s hand echoed around the room, sending shivers down my spine. It was the unmistakable and chilling sound of bone giving way. “F***!” He roared, his eyes widening in horror as he stared down at the destruction that was once his hand. Blood spurted from the wound, rapidly staining his clothing in a gruesome shade of …

Chapter 1. Death game.

I found myself standing in the middle of a bustling medieval city. Cobblestone streets stretched in every direction, with vibrant stalls displaying everything from fresh produce to intricate jewelry. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread mixed with the distant clang of a blacksmith’s hammer. People in tunics and dresses passed by, chatting animatedly, their conversations …

Prologue. A typical transmigration? Perhaps not. (Don’t make her cry!)

As the rain tapped persistently against the classroom window, my thoughts strayed from the math lesson. I couldn’t help but wish for an escape from this monotony. With his usual stern demeanor, Professor Anderson scanned the room before posing, “What is trigonometry?” Distracted by memories and daydreams, school lessons often felt distant. But the moment Alice began to answer, her …