Chapter 147: Discovery – New Powers

… Why… has all of this happened to me…? → Shen […Even I am unsure… The road of a mortal is normally easily predicted, but you’re more than just a mortal, while your destiny is continuously changing. Just as you dodged death many times, you also had to die when you weren’t supposed to. By how I see it, far …

Chapter 146: Locked Heart And Revolting Wisdom

“Now, will you accept it?” → Shen I asked plainly while feeling somewhat sleepy and wishing to start meditating. Alexander thought for a while then he started asking questions. “Will they be able to work?” → Alexander“Who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat. And no matter of rank or title, everyone is treated equally for now.” → Shen“Oho? Then will they receive …

Chapter 145: Bandit Village

“And do you think I can do all of that with just this much?! Do you take me for the King Of Bandits or something?!” → Alexander“Nope. Not yet. But in the near future, maybe.” → Shen I slightly smiled at him then continued. “For the first two or three groups, I will try to help you while wearing a …

Chapter 144: Bandit Leader Alexander

I then continued on my own inside Victoria’s borders, leaving behind the fortress with dying flames, rushing forward just as undetectable as before. While doing so, I was able to feel everywhere around all kinds of presences, be it of the races or just some beasts wandering around. Then, while flying near a village, with my devil’s eyes I saw …

Chapter 143: Departure and New Discovery

Somewhat embarrassed, Yuri scratched his head with a light blush but Sylvia continued with the same smile, her eyes turning sharp and serious. “Oh but you truly did save us all. Because, if Shen were to fall in the devil’s hands, he would’ve ended up doing incredible things only focused on evil, then Ryu would’ve been the one destined to …

Chapter 142: Exchanging Knowledge

“No no no, Lord Shen, please don’t tease me like that. Spells of mass-murdering? That’s too terrifying. I could never wield such evil spells.” → Maru Hearing this, I couldn’t help but smile amused, while Maru’s face palled after understanding what he just said. “I see. So that makes me an evil person then?” → Shen“N-no, of course not! I …

Chapter 141: A Close Call

“W-wait a moment-“ → Shen I felt no ill will nor any blood-lust from her, but I was still unsure what she wished to do as I tried to push her away, only to feel like no matter how much force I used, her body won’t even budge. [Nothing bad will happen to you. Besides, you already accepted.] With a …

Chapter 140: Goddess Hamata’s Request

“…” Sounds just like what happened with Gabriel… He gave it his all so the world of magic could continue to grow but ended up exiled and have assassins tail him until he went and killed the heads himself.  → Shen I frowned while thinking at the strict structure this world has at the base, but then I thought calmly …

Chapter 139: The Angel and The Devil

“…” I looked confused at the idiot in front of me which let me touch her soul while I was still closing mine in thick barriers of mental energy. At the moment my mental self was filled with dark cuts and holes which released black smoke and made me feel a stinging pain just by moving. Exactly how my body …

Chapter 138: The Wake Of The Angel

So I was the second category this time… Damn! How did I found out about it only now? God… → Ryu In a way, I felt betrayed, but I knew better than blaming someone who suffered from amnesia and who had as the best memory a warm bath inside a hot-spring then seeing and being seen by many naked girls …