Gil’s roommate, Elliot’s POV . . . ? “…Ah~ so I really did not make it in time, huh?” Gilbert raised his face when he heard a familiar voice. The one who pushed his way through the slumped sixth year students has a short light brown hair and kind reddish brown eyes, someone who he sees everyday. “Elliot, you came?” …

Chapter 34 – How to Fight the Attack Specialist

It was sudden. I could only exclaim at the flame spewing on the ground not a step away from me. Springing vertically from the once empty ground, it took a form which can only be described as a “wall” and blazed up to the height that exceeded the tall Gilbert-senpai. “―!!” The ruined practice field was dyed in orange for …

Chapter 33 – Smile Boldly

It seems that “crushing others from a strong point” is a common knowledge in exercises. Although it is correct to say “I only trust myself” since everyone is graded individually in this class, it is also a fact that there are student who couldn’t win in a one-on-one match. “First, unite to defeat the enemy and when it is over, …

Chapter 32 – Look Up the Meaning of Examination in the Dictionary

Because of the transmission magic, Barrett-sensei’s voice echoed throughout the school. At that moment, the outdoor field where we were gathering was filled by explosion and great noise. “―?! Wh-What?!” “Meryl, here!” There was a mighty impact that was closer to “earthquake” than sound. Had Gilbert-senpai did not pull me towards him at once, I wouldn’t have been able to …

Chapter 31 – The Start of the Exam

And the day of the tumultuous practical exam finally came. The hateful blue sky was spread above as if to welcome the academy students who were lining at the front gate. …It looks like it’s going to rain, I should be honestly pleased. But now that everyone is gathering, there’s really a lot of people… First, each class was arranged …

Chapter 30 – Before the Storm

The morning after the surprising contents [of the documents] were revealed. Contrary to the teachers who are busy with preparations, the academy students on the other hand are going to school in a very relaxed manner. It is because all the lessons are put on hold. Perhaps it’s inevitable to have that extraordinary feeling/excitement before the day of the event. …

Chapter 29 – Explanation of the Reasons

Every single time, why am I clueless like this? Didn’t the magical history teacher tell me that it was an upperclassman who is “in a year level higher than third year” and “someone I am acquainted with”? I should have been able to guess since I only knew a few people less than the fingers of one hand. “…Gilbert-senpai, are …

Chapter 28 – I Don’t Understand How Famous People Think

I am always that way. Why is it that big events that change my fate come only when I am not prepared? It is the usual afternoon of a fine day. A magical history teacher (from the department of history) who was famous for being strict in terms of punctuality did not appear five minutes after the class started, and …

Chapter 27 – The Unforeseeable Happiness

I can hear the sound of a bell at the distance. It was not a warning bell, but it is a bell that the afternoon classes have formally begun. Even though I knew, my body won’t move at all. “……It was my first time to skip classes.” “It’s all my fault.” As he said that, his big hand gently ran …

Chapter 26 – Not To Become Someone Else

The next day, after having a slightly heavy head due to sleep deprivation. After gaining support from Monica and my classmates during these times when the classes are difficult subjects…… finally, it was lunch break. “Meryl, what’s wrong?” As soon as he saw my face, Gilbert-senpai’s gentle smile faded away. Damn, I wonder if my expression is so easy to …