Chapter 46: Tasks and Parting.

[Crule]: First task, I want you guys to take the ship to the moon Wrath. There is someone there I want you guys to persuade and pick up. [Shin]: Who? [Crule]: Let’s just say she’s a blacksmith of the gods… [Shin]: How will we persuade such a person…? [Crule]: *sigh* Just show her your spear…and take this. Crule took the …

Chapter 45: Seals.

Twenty four hours later, the Sage of Time was drinking a cup of tea. He was reading an extremely aged book. Upon closer inspection, the label said “Sho_nen J__p” with some words already rubbed off due to the passage of time. [Sage of Time]: Should be about the time they finished up. He closed the paperback book and placed it …

Chapter 44: Power of Red Rider.

The Abaddon Slime King was let out of the storage. Upon finding itself in a foreign environment, it was on high alert. Slime’s natural instant was to consume all food it finds. They do not have a natural enemy in nature but they do tend to avoid A rank beasts. Therefore they will attack all enemies except those with a …

Chapter 43: B rank combat.

The following day, they began fighting the B ranked beast. As to make it more difficult on themselves, Crule took the Grand Opal Beetle, since his Taming Sari dagger isn’t strong enough to penetrate the powerful exoskeleton of the insect. Ming took the Abaddon Slime King since it does not contain blood, she would have to fight it with her …

Chapter 41: Recommendations.

Crule and Ming entered President Ylvun’s office. On her desk were two envelopes sealed with an official auction house seal. [Ylvun]: I would like to thank you again for allowing the auction house to sell such an item. [Crule]: No need. If I need things sold, I will contact you first. [Ylvun]: *smiles* Anyways, these two envelopes are the recommendation …

Chapter 40: Buying time.

The first few items were rare arts drawn, sculpted or crafted by famous artists. They were sold quite fast since only a few people were interested in them. The art aficionado got their needs satisfied. The new few items were rare and ancient artifacts discovered throughout the galaxy. Some history buffs and collectors of the sorts where happy. Following that …

Chapter 39: Grand Event.

The first B ranked beast looked like a large insect. It resembled the bugs found on the moon of Gluttony. It seems like they were the Noxian descendants of the original bug species and thrived in the galaxy. It was twice as large as the Queen Insectoid from the moon. Its carapace are a shimmering black opal-like color. The small …

Chapter 38: Favorable trade.

Inside of a luxuriously decorated meeting room was the very calm and slightly annoyed Crule, the seemingly innocent Ming, the ever so anxious Ylvun, and the unmoving corpse of Ferthun on the floor. [Ylvun]: I should have expected something weird was going on when the dead Ferthun showed up. [Crule]: I want you to know the truth, this is a …

Chapter 37: Membership.

[Man running Auction]: Welcome people, to the Tier 6 and 5 auction, today we have a wonderful selection of goods. Please hold your applause for later as we bring out our first item. Two large muscular assistants wheel out a cage. Inside of it was a huge beast that was barely alive. But even close to death, the look in …

Arc3 Epilogue.

Ten years ago in the Wild, there stood a mustachioed man with a beaming complexion. That man’s name is Crowly Grimly Metallurgy. [Grimly]: James! Get out here and enjoy the lovely morning air. [James]: Sir, its four in the morning. I still require some rest. [Grimly]: Ha! Rest is for the weak! You had four hours of sleepy anyways. James …