Chapter 155: So, I shall allow a little bit of amusement (5)

“You want to divide the group into two?” (Choi Jung-Hoon) At Yi Ji-Hyuk’s suggestion, Choi Jung-Hoon tilted his head. There were many different ways to have fun in an amusement park, but was there a need to divide the group? There weren’t that many in the group to begin with – only around ten people or so. “Well, that makes …

Chapter 154: So, I shall allow a little bit of amusement (4)

(TL: Partially edited.) In front of the NDF building. “….Where are we going again??” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) Yi Ji-Hyuk dazedly asked. Okay, so, where did she say it was? Did I hear it correctly or not? Without a doubt, it was Yi Ji-Hyuk himself who talked about going to a theme park. But the kind of a theme park he had …

Chapter 153: So, I shall allow a little bit of amusement (3)

Yi Ji-Hyuk dug out his ear canals to make sure that he didn’t mishear her. “You wanna come, too?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “That’s right.” (Seo Ah-Young) “….Where to?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) “To the very same theme park you two are going.” (Seo Ah-Young) Yi Ji-Hyuk looked at Seo Ah-Young with a totally flabbergasted face, before clicking his tongue. “But, why? Why do …

Chapter 152: So, I shall allow a little bit of amusement (2)

(TL: Partially edited. My editor’s still busy….) In front of the NDF building. Oh-Sik had no energy. He had been feeling rather depressed lately after not seeing his owner for a few days now. He couldn’t help but question how he had become this badly attached. In the past, he lived like a slave under that man’s rule for several …

Chapter 151: So, I shall allow a little bit of amusement (1)

(TL: Unedited. My editor is too busy with school…..) “He’s somewhere far from here.” (Argolas) Beltreche’s yellow eyes slowly cast down to Argolas. “And is that something you should say?” (Beltreche) “I beg for your forgiveness…. Oh, great demon king, I dare not fight against that person with this weak body and this weak mind of mine. Regardless of how …

Chapter 150: You can take care of it, anyway (5)

The ‘beginning’ was simple. ‘Buff’. He enjoyed using that in the past, but had forgotten about it recently. But, as soon as the whole concept of ‘buffing’ took root and bloomed in his head, he began thinking about the idea rather seriously. How could he further strengthen the human ability users who could not get any stronger past a certain …

Chapter 149: You can take care of it, anyway (4)

While Xui Feng was seriously pondering his future, Kim Dah-Hyun shouted out. “Excuse me, can’t you do something here first?” (Kim Dah-Hyun) Seo Ah-Young shot back at him. “Can’t you do something that minor by yourself?” (Seo Ah-Young) “….What can I do? My firepower is weak, you know.” (Kim Dah-Hyun) Tears began forming in Kim Dah-Hyun’s eyes. He could proudly …

Chapter 148: You can take care of it, anyway (3)

Park Sung-Chan gnashed his teeth. It was half a year again! Last time, it was six months, too. Yet, here he was, spending another six months inside hell before being allowed back home. But now, what was the meaning of this crap? Park Sung-Chan continued to grit his teeth as he stared at the huge monster in front of his …

Chapter 147: You can take care of it, anyway (2)

“Why the hell is that thing so big?” (Kim Dah-Hyun) Kim Dah-Hyun’s jaw dropped to the floor. He was forcibly dragged to this place without consent, never mind being informed of what was happening here, so he had no idea what kind of monster he’d be facing off against. If he knew before coming, then would he have been less …

Chapter 146: You can take care of it, anyway (1)

Rumble!! Seo Ah-Young’s raging flames ascended to the high heavens. Like the licking tongue of an insane demon, the reddish flames bellowed and erupted to her surroundings. “Euh…. Ahh….” Xui Feng’s jaw dropped to the floor as he stared at the ascending flames. He was none other than the man in charge of commanding the Chinese ability users. Naturally, he …