Chapter 56- The Fan’s Path

The youth began to read the holy tome in earnest. He was no more than a few pages in when a priest came in to finally see to the individual and paused after seeing the youth reading while the food and water remained untouched.

“Please feel free to eat and drink. They are meant for you.” (Priest)

The youth looked up from the book before responding.

“Thank you.” (youth)

Only allowed on

The priest noticed the difference in the youths accent instantly.

In truth, all VR games use a new language called Vortor that was based on the game that created the concept and what languages are translated into to keep misunderstandings to a minimal.

As he closed the book, the priest took notice of it’s cover.

“We have seen you praying non stop for a week at the altar. We thought that you committed some heinous sin.” (priest)

The youth looked away from the priest.

“I wish to serve God… pardon, speaking mistake. I wish to serve Commander KMega6KMegacharacter. His wife tested me and I failed. I given last chance with the church.” (Youth)


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The priest then heard the youths story in detail; how he was one of KMega’s long term viewers, what happened when he came to this game, and about Astrid7Astridcharacter’s tests. He then admitted his faults in earnest, even if he was a little hard to understand at times. While he was speaking, the priest was nodding. However, the priest wasn’t an ordinary one. He was actually a female angel pretending to be a priest after she took the form of a normal priest in the church. It had been some time since she was permitted by the gods to go to the mortal realms to aid them. There has been much discourse since players started coming into the game, causing there to be a slight imbalance. She among others were part of the solution that the system came up with when the companion patch was fully released.


The angel watched the youth eat and rest while reading the book. If he had a question about anything he read, he would answer them himself except the questions that were rather complex. The angel admired youth’s earnest devotion, so after some time had passed, she showed him her true form. He seemed rather surprised after seeing her body glow and then suddenly change into someone that enthralled him instantly. This was the beginning of the journey of what the game will later call the healer saint; another pivotal follower of KMega’s in the coming months.


An angel was sitting in a white temple bored out of her mind. Yes, this was the same unsightly angel that KMega met when he began the game and again after his first death from Astrid’s mother. She didn’t want to continue doing her normal duties, so she left it to a new generation. She wanted to explore the world of her maker and experience all kinds of things. As if her words were reached by her creator, and as if to answer wish, she was allowed to leave and seek out a worthy mortal to be her partner. She had her eye on many different kinds of people, but she soon found them unfit to be her partner. She also observed her seniors find their partners and noticed that a person’s faith dictated her level of strength.


She was a selfish angel, but she was also clever at the same time. Unlike most of her other brethren, she was rather curious about mortals. She then remembered an encounter that happened a short time ago when she used her powers to observe a certain individual, but unfortunately for her, that individual already had a partner. As she watched the partner of the individual that she took interest in, the dragon4dragonspecies was interested in another person. While watching her with the youth, she soon became disappointed and sorry for him. She decided that she wanted to meet him, so when the opportunity presented itself, she was a little taken back to find the youth reading a copy of the holy tomes. As soon as she saw this, she immediately knew that she’ll be the strongest angel to descend on mortal lands.

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