Chapter 5 – A Young Master

A beautiful flying carriage flew through the skies.

Unlike the size of its elegant exterior, the inside of the flying carriage was a vast space, making it look like a big room instead; within it were bookshelves, bed, tables, etc.

At a table, sat a young man in a white clothes in an inclined position. Only half his face could be seen, but it was enough to know that he was good looking, someone who looked as refined as a jade sculpture.

He lightly sniffed and stopped reading the book in his hand.

Only allowed on

“Where is this place?” came a clear, deep and intoxicating voice.

The servant controlling the vehicle replied, “Young Master, we are now in the domain of Hanging Cloud Empire.”

“Why do I smell the scent of demons?”

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“That’s correct, this subordinate had also sensed it. Hanging Cloud Empire is one of the five great empires and is a flourishing nation, why would there be such a thick stench of demonic energy? It looks like the demon might be a Great Demon.”

“Let’s go down and have a look.”



After Huan Qing Yan was brought home by Huan Bei Ming and his wife, she used having a headache as an excuse and said she did not know what led to her behavior as an answer to the couple’s inquiry.

The Huan couple’s pampering love outmatched their need to investigate the matter. They only told her that it wasn’t right to be willful and told her to amend her ways before ending their conversation with her.

She had been immersed in the character of being the Young Mistress of the Huan family for a few days now. Her father and mother had treated her exceptionally well. There was always good food and good clothes available. If not for the terrible memories of the reincarnated girl, she would think that this new identity of hers was a blessing of all blessings.

Unfortunately, matters of life will never be as smooth as people hopes for.

As she counted the days, it seems that tomorrow would be the day when that male trash, the  Ninth Prince, would come and offer to marry the Young Mistress of Huan Family. That would be the starting point of the tragedy……

If the Ninth Prince had not come with an offer of marriage, many of the things that led to the reincarnated girl’s tragic life would not have occurred..

Huan Bei Ming would not need to create spirit dishes for his future son-in-law every day and night and eventually die from over exhaustion.

And if Huan Bei Ming didn’t die, then the Huan Estate would not be targeted by villains. The family would not be broken, her mother would not die, and her little brother will not become a cripple. As for herself, the young mistress of the family, she will also not lose the people she could rely on and be fooled by others……

Therefore, tomorrow’s marriage proposal must not succeed!

However, how could she stop it?

Huan Qing Yan could not think of any ideas at the moment.

In the back garden of the Earl’s mansion, it was the transition period between spring and summer; the place was covered in blooming flowers as their fragrance permeates the air.

In the garden were two willow trees. Underneath them was a swing, the ropes of the swing were as thick as bowls while the seat was made of eight centimeters thick Spruce Wood. Many flower embroideries made from vines were attached to the ropes, and other than the fact that the swing was rather large, it looked like any ordinary swing that a girl would play in.

Currently, sitting on the swing was a meatball wrapped in luxurious clothes.

This person was the daughter of the Earl, Huan Qing Yan.

Huan Qing Yan was not the only thing on the swing; there were food such as the Horned Cow Beef Jerky, Almond Cheese Pastries, Eight Treasure Porridge, Red Bean Yellow Kernel Fried Rice, Blazing Fire Bird Eggs, and more being displayed on it.

The young mistress and her servants, a total of ten of them were currently at the swing.

Four of oldest serving girls were required to swing Han Qing Yan while she enjoyed the scenery as she ate, looking happy and pleased like a celestial enjoying her days.

Yet in fact, she was currently thinking of ways to handle the marriage proposal that would come tomorrow, would it be inappropriate if she finds her parents and conveys her wishes?

If she does not mention anything now, she would no longer have a chance as the next day approached.

“Hey reincarnated girl, do you have any good ideas?” Huan Qing Yan calls out using her mind.

There was no reaction.

Ever since she had learned everything that reincarnated soul remembered, the reincarnated girl seemed to have turned extremely weak and had not spoken a word over the past few days.

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