Chapter 43: Silver Backed Earth Dragon

Long Yi was stunned as he looked at the bright red face of Lu Xiya. His fire of lust was surging and just as he was planning to take action and capture Lu Xiya in one fell swoop, she stopped him and suddenly said she wanted to pee. How was that different from asking for his life? Was she just trying to screw with him?

“Long Yi, I really want to pee, the feeling is almost unbearable.” Lu Xiya’s whole body shook she seemed like she really wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer.

Seeing the uncomfortable expression on Lu Xiya’s face, Long Yi gloomily took away his big hand which was full of love nectar. His hard swollen part on his lower body was also expressing its strong protest that it had to stop halfway.

Lu Xiya hurriedly fixed her clothes, before she sneaked a glance at the depressed Long Yi. Grinding her teeth, she said in mosquito like small voice, “Long Yi, don’t be like this… I’ll let you do it later okay? Anything you want.”

Long Yi’s eyes lit up the moment those words left her mouth, but before he could say anything, Lu Xiya pulled him off the bed as she softly said to him,
“Accompany me, I’m afraid.” Seeing the flashing lightning and thunder as well as violent storm outside, Lu Xiya firmly pulled Long Yi with both her hands.

Accompanying a beautiful woman to go to the toilet? Long Yi naturally didn’t object, this time he was secretly delighted from the bottom of his heart.

As the two of them walking in the rain, one of them had a magic cover above her head, while the other had a douqi cover above his head. The two of them naturally were not afraid of getting wet from the rain as they went to find a place for Lu Xiya to pee. They walked about 100 meters after leaving the tent, then with a red face, Lu Xiya said to Long Yi, “You turn around, you are not allowed to peek.”

Long Yi thought to himself, “In a bit, I will be looking at every part of you as much as I want, so why does it matter now?” Thinking about what he would get after they returned, Long Yi obediently turned around.

Seeing that Long Yi had turned around, Lu Xiya ran a few more steps away from him and squat down in the midst of the grass which covered her well enough. . Just when Lu Xiya pulled up her pants after urinating, her long ears suddenly became erect, as she heard a strange sound coming from seemingly close proximity. Lu Xiya instinctively turned around, and her eyes met two blood red eyes staring back at her.

“Ahhh!” Lu Xiya shrieked loudly, she was scared out of her wits as she never expected anyone to be staring at her while she was peeing.

The moment Long Yi turned around after hearing her shriek, Lu Xiya had already rushed into his chest. Long Yi made a wry smile as he saw a big head coming out from inside the thick grass. The head belonged to an earth dragon that was close by. Those blood red eyes of this earth dragon were furiously staring at them who had the guts to enter its terrority.

Although this was a lone earth dragon, its back was silver white in colour. The only earth dragon Long Yi could think of was a Silver Backed Earth Dragon which had the power of an A-ranked magical beast.

Long Yi slowly pulled Lu Xiya behind his back. The strongest magical beast he had seen and confronted so far was merely a B-class Earth bear. Even so, he almost became its dinner, but he managed to kill it despite it being a fluke. Now that this Silver Backed Earth Dragon in their face had far surpassed the strength of that Earth bear, the only solution Long Yi could think at this moment was to flee. Perhaps if all eight of them fought together, they would have a slight chance of deafeating it.

Luckily, just as Long Yi was thinking of what to do, several figures came out of the tent which was 100 meters away from where they were. Lu Xiya’s scream probably woke all of them up and Ha Lei was the first to ask, “Long Yi what is happening there?”

Ha Lei and others ran towards Long Yi. Just when they reached tens of meters away from Long Yi, the stop dead in their tracks.. Only Barbarian Bull and Leng Youyou darted towards Long Yi and Lu Xiya’s side, and was able to see the real trouble.

At this moment, the Silver Backed Earth Dragon lost its patience. It raised its head high and got into an attacking posture, as its cold gloomy teeth shined with a dazzling gleam.

“Fighters step forward, Magicians fall back.” Ha Lei immediately yelled loudly, he knew that if they don’t work together, then all of them would very likely die.

Long Yi, Barbarian Bull, Ha Lei and Shi Yan, these four fighters stood side by side in the front to block the Silver Backed Earth Dragon, while the remaining magicians fell back and began to chant their incantations. The storm raged on, as the silvery white lightning in the sky was bearing the fangs and brandishing the claws, illuminating the pale face of everyone.

“Before it starts attacking us, we should strike first!” Long Yi yelled loudly. His Violent Dragon Douqi stirred, as a light blue dragon-shaped sword light flashed violently.Just like a ghost, there was a flash as the sword light directly cleaved at the eyes of the Silver Backed Earth Dragon. The attacks of Barbarian Bull, Ha Lei and Shi Yan also closely followed after, stabbing towards the relatively weak points of the earth dragon.

Just as Long Yi’s dragon-shaped sword light was about to cut apart the eyes of the Silver Backed Earth Dragon, The long tail of the Silver Backed Earth Dragon swept at them just like a giant meat whip. Unexpectedly, the speed of the beast was not inderior to Long Yi in the slightest as it managed to counter attack, leaving behind afterimages of itself while doing so.

Only allowed on

With several slamming sounds, all four of them were sent flying at high speeds, as the blood spilled in the air. Seizing the chance, Long Yi had used his internal force to protect his vital spots, but even so, his whole body’s qi and blood were rolling over and over, and his internal organs seemed to have shifted from their original positions.

Right at this moment, the magic attack casted by the magicians finally arrived. The might of Ge Keite’s fire magic was reduced by half due to the heavy rain, so it basically didn’t have any effect on the Silver Backed Earth Dragon. Lan Tian’s Violent Light Magic also did not have any effect, so Lan Tian’s only option was to cast his Holy Light magic to help treat the injuries of the injured Ha Lei and the others. Only a few of Lu Xiya’s magic arrows managed to hit the thick scale of the Silver Backed Earth Dragon as the rest of her arrows completely missed. Contrary to what one might expect, this beast was rather cautious of Leng Youyou’s spirit attack.

After the internal force of AoTianJue circulated once inside his body, the qi and blood of Long Yi finally calmed down. Now he saw that the Silver Backed Earth Dragon appears to be rather afraid of spirit attacks, he decided to try out a move had never used before. Emitting huge amounts of spirit power from the space between his eyebrows, which was where his sea of consciousness is, the spirit power formed into a shape of a sharp sword. The sword made up of Long Yi’s spirit power stabbed towards the eyes of the Silver Backed Earth Dragon mercilessly. Afterall, the eyes were the windows of the heart. If one wanted to hurt the soul of the opponent, the eyes were the most obvious spot to attack.

The spirit power of Long Yi was many times more powerful than Leng Youyou. Although he didn’t know any spirit magic, his spirit power was nevertheless extremely strong. Sure enough, the Silver Backed Earth Dragon turned its head to other side and didn’t dare to look Long Yi face to face. Being the opportunist he was, how could Long Yi miss such a good chance. Long Yi immediately sent out his big cosmos move towards the Silver Backed Earth Dragon who had its back towards him.. Then he quickly jumped and boarded its neck, and he violently hacked with his sword, but before it cut through its neck, the sword got stuck halfway through its dragon scales.

Nevertheless this Silver Backed Earth Dragon still felt pain shooting through its body as its neck was pierced. Since its evolution, nobody had ever ridden its head and abused it like this, so it furiously whipped its tail towards Long Yi.

Long Yi relied on his martial arts and avoided this dangerous attack of Silver Backed Earth Dragon. Inside his mind, countless thoughts were running around as he was trying his best to think of the weak spot of the Silver Backed Earth Dragon. He firmly believed that even powerful magical beasts would have an Achilles’ heel. At this time, Long Yi remembered that Earth dragons had a tiny bit of blood lineage from the dragon clan, and the dragon’s weakest point was its reverse scale. Which happened to be at the throat of every dragon, so could it be that the Achilles’ heel of this earth dragon was similar?

As soon as he thought of the idea of attacking the earth dragon’s neck, he made up his mind to try attacking it. However before he managed to move, he heard Leng Youyou’s yell, “The earth dragon’s weak point is seven inches below its neck.”

Long Yi was dumbfounded, “wasn’t that the snakes’ weakness? He knew that the weakness of snakes was seven inches below the neck. Seems like these earth dragons were basically big snakes…”

Long Yi repeatedly dodged the earth dragon’s attack, as he kept his footing on the neck of this Silver Backed Earth Dragon. If Leng Youyou was not using spirit attacks all along to restrict this beast, then Long Yi wouldn’t be able to easily dodge the attacks of the earth dragon like this.

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Crackle. As a streak of lightning flashed across the sky, it illuminated the earth for a brief second. with the light from that lightning, Long Yi clearly saw that seven inches below the neck of this earth dragon was the location of a very small pit. That place didn’t have thick scales like other places, only an extremely thin laye. Presumably that was the Achilles’ heel of this Silver Backed Earth Dragon.

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