Chapter 53: Super Skeletons Displaying their Might

Hearing the heart stirring words coming from Leng Youyou, Long Yi was moved beyond words. Suddenly, the blood coloured skull mark in the middle of his left palm vibrated. Looking at the skull mark on his hand, Long Yi cursed himself as he hit his own head.

Long Yi finally recalled that inside blood colored skull mark, there were 18 super skeletons. As he didn’t want to reveal the skeletons, he had never used them as he pleased. But currently, there was no one else but him and Leng Youyou, he didn’t have to fear about others knowing about his secret anymore.

“Youyou, you don’t need to wait for the next life to be my wife, because we are definitely not going to die here.” Long Yi said with a smile.

“Long Yi, you don’t need to comfort me. Dark Prayer can last for another five minutes at the most.” The shield Leng Youyou was holding shook more violently with each passing moment, as cracks started to form on the surface of the shield. Despite the fact that her shield wasn’t going to last much longer, her had no fear in her eyes as she stared at the incoming dark magical beasts. She could stay by the side of her beloved, so even if she had to die, why not.

“Fool, you still don’t believe me? Look here ah.” Long Yi spread open his left palm, and the blood-red skull mark on the middle of this palm emitted a strange red radiance.

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“This, what is this? Its actually emitting such a dense dark aura…” Leng Youyou exclaimed in shock, but something more surprising happened in front of her the next moment. Long Yi closed his eyes and thought of an incantation, then his body flashed with black light. After that, in the sky, a pitch-black crack appeared out of nowhere. From the crack, 18 skeletons wearing armor instantly emerged from the crack and lined up in an imposing fashion in from the two of them.

Leng Youyou was shocked, then looking at Long Yi who was lying on the ground, she exclaimed, “You are actually Necromancer too!”

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“Why can’t I be the Necromancer?” Long Yi laughed, as he struggled to stand up. As he got up, he issued a command for the 18 skeletons to attack the dark magical beasts surrounding them. As soon as the command came out of his mouth, the skeleton holding a blood coloured sickle took the lead and charged at the dark magical beasts. The other 17 skeletons were a second slower, but they followed the lead of the sickle holding skeleton, and charged into the ranks of the dark magical beasts, starting a bloodbath.

If Leng Youyou was shocked when she found out Long Yi was a necromancer, She was utterly dumbstruck when she saw the valiant display of the 18 skeletons. Were they really skeletons? She came into contact with necromancers before, but the skeletons summoned by them were deathly pale, with extremely low attacking abilities. The skeletons summoned by the necromancers were extremely weak, however they were able to summon thousands of skeletons which managed to overwhelm their enemies with sheer quantity to achieve victory. But these 18 skeletons’ strength was no less than a Swords Master and the power of that skeleton who had taken the lead was even more unfathomable. The only thing she saw after the first skeleton charged out was that the blood coloured sickle in its hand change into a blur as it slashed at the dark magical beasts. The blurry blood red sickle harvested the lives many dark magical beasts as the skeleton went on a rampage in the middle of the them..

“My God, your skeletons are absorbing the magic power of these dark magical beasts? How is that possible?” Leng Youyou involuntarily cried. Today Long Yi’s actions have already shocked her to the point where she was unable to think straight anymore..

Hearing Leng Youyou’s question, Long Yi also discovered that after the dark magical beasts died, these skeletons would absorb the dark qi which was emitted from the corpse of the dead beasts. Moreover, the skeletons seemed immune to dark magic as none of them had any reactions when they were attacked by the dark magical beasts. Normally the large amount of magical attacks by the dark magical beasts would heavily damage their opponents, but looking at the 18 skeletons, none of them even reacted the slightest facing the attacks. Furthermore, instead of taking the slightest bit of damage, the skeletons absorbed the magical powers of the dark magical beasts and it seemed that they were becoming stronger with each passing moment. The skeletons which have been fighting for awhile now seemed to possess more vigor and valor when fighting the dark magical beasts..

“BiTe.Xiuge was really a genius of undead magic, actually letting me refine this kind of monsters. Turns out the things written down in his notes were really true, these 18 skeletons are capable of evolving, a type of unique creation without parallel in the history. Currently, the strength of these 18 skeletons have already reached the Swords Master level, and Long Two already reached the Great Swords Master level. If they were to further evolve, and break through to stronger levels, who can block my path under heaven? As far as I’m concerned, isn’t this damnable place actually really good for me?”

Remembering that they were trapped in this place, Long Yi began to size up the surroundings. The entire world here was murky, giving people a kind of stifling feeling. They were currently in the pitch-black forest, and with the exception of the dark magical beasts which blanketed the whole forest, there were no other living things. Long Yi spread his spirit power and sensed the magic elements in the atmosphere. He was struck dumb with amazement when he discovered that other than the dark elements, other elements were absent in the surroundings. “No wonder dark magical beasts are the only type of magical beasts here, it turned out to be caused by the environmental factor.” Long Yi suddenly thought. How wonderful would it be if he cultivated dark magic in this kind of environment..

Long Yi immediately revealed his discovery to Leng Youyou, who was spellbound watching those 18 skeletons. Then after experiencing it herself, she became wild with joy and said, “Very dense dark magic element, compared to the dark magic element present in Lost city, this is heaven and that is earth ah. I have decided, I will cultivate here, and until I reach the level of Archmage, I will absolutely not leave this place.”

Long Yi was stunned, then making a wry smile, he said, “Even if we want to leave, it is not possible. I haven’t even seen the shadow of another human being in this place. Even if you become Dark Magic God, what’s the use?”

“I wouldn’t care even if there is no way this place, as long as you are by my side, I am not afraid of anything.” Leng Youyou bashfully said. Never in her life had she thought that she would express her affection for someone so audaciously, speaking embarrassing words of love to the man she adored..

Long Yi said nothing as he held Leng Youyou in his embrace. Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted from his meridians and Long Yi couldn’t help but let out a muffled groan.

“Long Yi, what’s going on with you?” Leng Youyou quickly wriggled out of Long Yi’s embrace as she stared at him.she was aghast to discover that blood was spilling out from the corner of Long Yi’s mouth. Only at this moment, she realised that Long Yi was heavily injured.

“It’s nothing, just now true qi reversed in my injured meridians, I just need to meditate and it would be fine.” Long Yi comforted her, before he sat down cross-legged and began meditating.

“True qi reversed? What is true qi?” Leng Youyou had a belly full of questions, but seeing Long Yi was trying to heal his injuries by meditating, she cleverly stood by his side without disturbing him.

At the same time, Leng Youyou suddenly felt that a strong dark magic aura was madly rushing across them, completely startling her. Long Yi’s surroundings were already covered by a thin layer of dark qi. This was caused by the astonishing speed of the dark elements gathering around Long YI, which caused the dark magic elements to materialise around him. As the dark magic elements around Long Yi was currently extremely dense, if she were to start meditating by his side right now, the speed of her cultivation would increase by leaps and bounds. But thinking about how the .

After an unknown amount of time, these 18 skeletons finally returned to Long Yi’s side with a bloody aura on them. Finally, Leng Youyou was able to relax. There should be not any problems under the protection of these 18 super skeletons, so she sat beside Long Yi and began her meditation.

18 lofty skeletons as if 18 statues of demons stood motionlessly beside the two of them. Mountains and plains were littered with corpses of dark magical beasts, and a dense bloody smell filled whole area.

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