chapter 125 – Dimensional Wave Reader

Inside the Underbroom Cave, the Werfur Race had very deftly built living quarters and offices for the researchers. Epsilon too had an office for himself. The room was simple with a table and chair set, one bed and some shelves for books and documents. Considering it was created within hours, no one had any complaints about the arrangement.

Right now, Epsilon was leaning back on his chair. In his hand, there was a document that Rabial had prepared. It contained information and details about the Greenland Continent that Rabial had been transported to when they had first entered the dimension with a small group of Werfurs and Epsilon — Rabial and Epsilon being the only two survivors from that expedition.

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The Greenland Continent, as it was called by most scientists and a name given by the Werfurs, was a life-supporting dimensional plane with green life as the name suggested. The continent was about 36.3 times bigger than Earth and was 40,000 KM in diameter. Its gravity was about 1.58 times that of ordinary planets.

A single day lasted 17.29 hours and a year lasted 463 days. The dimension was made up of at least one continent that was explored. The plant-like organisms on this planet were mostly trees and bushes with only a handful of flowers but no fungi species. The trees and bushes came in all sorts of forms — both tiny and large.

According to available information, there were three intelligent races and two animalistic races in the Greenland Continent. These three races were all plant-based life forms.

The first was called the Red Rose Race that looked like ordinary red roses but was capable of walking bipedally and forming complex buildings using magic.

The second, Treeman Race, had long life spans and was capable of walking bipedally as well. The race had strong close-combat capabilities and used their branches as a fighting mechanism.

Lastly, the Eater Race. This race that looked like a basic green flower was capable of eating meat and swallowing whole Werfurs and human-sized creatures at once. They were the least intelligent among the three races and counted as the most volatile ones. They were capable of using basic-level magic and forming a village with medieval level magic.

The animalistic race was carbon-based creatures namely Winged Eyes. These creatures had only one big eye and two bat wings that formed their complete body. They could shoot red-colored hot beams of light from their eyes and they hunted in packs. Their way of consuming their prey was unknown.

The second race, Spike-Shooter Snakes, were snake-type creatures that were capable of shooting black spikes from their mouths to hunt their targets. They were natural rivals of the Winged Eyes and were capable of eating both meat and plants for their sustenance.

Rabial also added that while their colors, shapes and in some cases their scents were wonderful, they were highly dangerous creatures. The most rational race, that he understood, was the Red Rose Race as they had given Rabial shelter in exchange for some Ether Stones.

They were capable of talking, planning and forming relationships. They were enemies with the ‘Eater Plant’ or ‘Eater Race’.

Surprisingly, the underwater world of this dimension had an abundance of primitive hard corals and some untouched black rock material that gave off ‘Ether Energy’ like vibes. Its purity was not like Ether energy but these black stones could be used for improving and regenerating magical energy.

‘I am thinking that this black stone is some kind of a magical stone that has less integrity and potency than Ether Stone but the soft corals are extremely rare and only found in very specific regions. The hard corals are mostly nothing more than a shell with a flower-like organism growing out of it, which filters nutrients out of the ocean. But these hard corals already make for a gorgeous underwater world, despite them being all fairly similar to each other.’

Rabial also wrote that the intelligent life form, other than the listed, was non-existent on this continent.

Only allowed on

‘But you will not find a planet with a more varied, beautiful and astonishing life of insects and amphibians. The planet was ruled by these species and due to the fortunate conditions on this planet, many of them are huge.’

After Epsilon read the document, he scoffed as he commented.

“This is why the Werfur race is so adamant to go to this dimension. They have found a material that replaces the magical energy source that comes from Ether Stones.”

“With their power, it is not hard for them to take control of a big part of this land and with a stable dimensional gate, they will have the chance to produce magical stones and improve their power. It is even possible they can upgrade their power as a race by three to five times without any hurdles.”

Epsilon took a deep breath and shook his hand. He used the perfect aluminium and steel material that was leftover from the Solar Panels he had created, and use that to build a sphere gadget.

Then, he started using magic energy to change the whole document into a dimensional wave. An hour later, Epsilon let out a cold breath, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, covering his face.

Even Epsilon was shocked that he was this tired. It had been a long time since he sweat like this other than the times he encountered a death and life situation.

This was the first time after he powered himself with magic, that he was this exhausted.

The Dimensional Magic used magical energy to form dimensional rules. He needed to use his magical energy to change the document and its contents into a magical orb that he could then save inside the metal orb he had created.

In itself, this process was not hard for this. The hard part was giving this metal orb the ability of a dimensional wave location. It burned him out but he succeeded in the end. If not for the book he recently read on basic dimensional understanding, he would not have the fundamental knowledge to complete this procedure.

The metal orb, which he named ‘Dimensional Wave Reader’, had been created. Right now, as long as the Dimensional Gateway was built, Epsilon could use this Dimensional Wave Reader to pinpoint the Greenland Continent and go there.

Of course, without the use of the Dimensional Magic, the Werfur Race couldn’t complete the transportation. He was only talking about himself right now.

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