Chapter – 140 – Visitor – Green Sparia

The Green Spider Race was not very different from the small spiders found on Earth, Epsilon’s home planet. As they were living ordinary lives of their species, one of their ancestors, more than 10,000 years ago, encountered a green ball of energy in one cave. The spiders who had contacted this green energy ball reached the size of a dog and slowly evolved into a human body.

This was not like a true human body but more like growing human arms. The changes were not just in their physique. They also started becoming smarter than their peer. Evolving further, in over 150 years, the green ball of energy changed them and they started forming factions within.

They already had tools and weapons. Their body’s built was not strong but as they were spiders, with their eight legs they were faster. With the weapons emerging in their hand, bows and spears, they started hunting more, thereby increasing the population of the Green Spider race.

Around a millennium later, they had formed complex cities, countries and political structures. They had started building their religion and ideologies and more importantly, they had built and advanced their technology.

Two to three millennia later, they had already reached the level of a modern human world and about 1000 years later, they had started travelling in their star system. They were the strongest race on their planet and this allowed them to unite and form one government and one supreme power.

They called this union the Green Spider Race Alliance. The past feuds between the same races were over. Because of this, their technology improved faster, pushing them even further. Without the need to fight among each other for land or other desires, more resources were used towards advancement, making their pace of progress much faster than usual.

Not long after, they had finally reached a state to use interstellar travel, creating the warp drive and spaceships capable of traveling long distances in the stars. This was the history of the Green Spider race. Most of them believed in a religion called the Grenergy Religion, which meant worshipping the green energy that gave them sentience, body and not to mention, the chance of increasing their race’s survival and advancing in leaps and bounds.

Only allowed on

Alya took a deep breath as she started inspecting the barrier in front of her. She had reached the border of Epsilon’s property that was protected by a lightning spell. She knew Epsilon’s power was much higher than hers, and that she could not forcefully open the shield or remain unharmed by walking into it.

She thought about this a little bit and then pointed her finger towards the sky and whispered.

“Noble – Signal”

As her whisper finished, a wisp of white light manifested out of her right finger and started going towards the sky with a speed that could not be seen by ordinary people. The ‘Noble – Signal’ was a spell for nobles of the Blue Tear City. Everyone who was officially a noble of the City, which included Epsilon who was awarded the Viscount title, could see it without any hindrance.

Epsilon finished his food and drank his tea as he noticed something in the sky.


He used his mind radar and noticed the woman wearing Blue Tear City’s official robes. Her level and power were not weak. From what he could make out, it looked like she was of good temperament and was not looking to create trouble.

“She wants to visit me.”

Epsilon concluded and then took a deep breath as he activated the Quantum Teleportation.

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Alya, who was waiting for a response, felt her soul and body pulled into something that she did not know of or could control. She felt like she was getting forcefully drunk all of sudden. The smell of the forest had completely changed, replaced with nothing at all.

Seconds later, the scenery in front of her changed as she opened her eyes to another place. However, the time-lapse between the scenery change was not in her mind at all because right now, she could see Epsilon in front of her.

She gulped as she understood what just happened.

“He teleported me after he located my position with magical energy. If he can forcefully teleport me from a distance of 10-15KM, it means that he should be, at the very least, a peak Magister Level or even higher than that.”

“It makes complete sense that the Blue Tear City Council gave a direct order to everyone from all clans and the city’s government to create no problem with Epsilon.”

“With his power and mysterious understanding of magic, we do not have any chance against him in any kind of time or place.”

As these thoughts surged in her mind, she noticed the Green-Legged Spiders. Their upper bodies were human and lower bodies were spiders, and they were green in color. These were the ones that came from space and started building here on Epsilon’s land.

Seeing Alya lost in her thoughts, Epsilon asked.

“What is your purpose to come to my land?”

Alya came back to reality on hearing this question. She first took a deep breath to calm herself and then started talking.

“I am Alya, the highest level official of the Blue Tear City in Foreign Affairs. I am here to understand the matter of the Green-Legged Spider race, Lord Epsilon”.

Epsilon nodded and understood what this was about. He thought to himself.

“It is but expected they wanted to find out who my new friends are and where they belong to or what intentions they have.”

Epsilon answered.

“They are called the Green Spider Race officially and came from another planet. Their system malfunctioned and they sought help from me which I agreed to. They will be living with me on my land for some time. They have no evil intentions.”

“Even if they did, I can destroy them to ensure humans are not endangered in any way.”

Alya nodded and asked.

“Is there are any way to do tra-”

Even before she could complete the word, Alya vanished from the bench she was sitting on.

Without changing his expression, Epsilon said to the empty bench.

“Of course, they are not going to trade with you. You would be offering land and food for their technology. I know humans. If you got their technology, you will start taking them out one by one for more power and resources.”

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