C22 – I’m Your Father

Wen Baobao made no attempt to conceal his joy. To prevent He Siming from being embarrassed, Wen Shuyue pulled Wen Baobao away from He Siming.

But the next second, He Siming put Wen Baobao into his arms. He Siming touched Baobao’s little nose and said in a low and cold voice with firmness and solemnness, “Kiddo, listen carefully. I’m not your Mr. Handsome. I’m your father.”

I’m your father.

Those three simple words sounded sonorous and powerful enough to get Wen Baobao’s and his mother’s hearts racing.

Wen Baobao was stunned, gawking at He Siming without saying anything for a while.

Out of his mother’s expectation, Wen Baobao didn’t feel happy about it. With his cheeks bulging in a huff, he ticked off his ideas on his fingers humorlessly.

“You can’t be my father yet. First, you’re not my mommy’s husband, the only person who can be my father. Second, my mommy has raised me up alone since I was born, but you haven’t. Third, like my mommy said, not anyone can be my father,” Wen Baobao said very seriously.

His mother found it quite amusing that such words came out of the mouth of a kid.

Who on earth had taught him to say those things? She wasn’t sure the first point came from her mouth, but chances were Lin Lin had said that to him.

He Siming didn’t know what to say at the moment, looking sullen and embarrassed.

Gradually, he turned his attention to Wen Shuyue and seemed to wonder why on earth Baobao said those things.

Shaking her head hastily, Wen Shuyue explained, “I swear I’ve never said any of those to him. And I have no idea how they came to his mind.”

“Mommy, don’t bother to explain. I mean what I say. Godmother Lin Lin asked me to arrange a blind date for you to find a good husband,” Wen Baobao said in an overdone earnest way.

Jeez, he even mentioned blind date, leaving no room for his mother to explain.

Upon hearing those two words, He Siming turned extremely gloomy. He took a cold glance at Wen Shuyue and said in an emotionless voice, “You’ll have a blind date, huh?”

“Well…” Wen Shuyue was somewhat at a loss for an explanation. She scratched her head and hesitated for a while before she said unwillingly, “Actually, it’s not a real blind date. Lin Lin wanted to introduce her friend to me. I have few male friends, so I don’t think it’s a bad thing to make more friends. So I…”

“So you agreed to have a blind date?”

Before Wen Shuyue finished her words, He Siming interrupted.

Wen Shuyue did agree, but it was because she found it rude to turn down Lin Lin who insisted on arranging the blind date for her.

“Uh-uh, it’s private. Please don’t ask that question, Mr. Handsome.” Wen Baobao instantly stood in front of his mother to protect her like a real man, when he perceived something went wrong.

As He Siming remained silent, Wen Shuyue was overwhelmed by the chills coming from him.

It could even get into bones and froze her breath any minute.

“Mommy, go play with me. I want to try that one.”

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“Sure. Whatever you want to try, I’ll be with you.”

Wen Baobao found a random excuse and pulled his mother away, leaving He Siming standing there woodenly by himself.

He Siming fixed his eyes on them while they were playing happily. Narrowing his eyes slightly, He Siming sneered, “Blind date? Let’s see who dares to marry you.”

Wen Baobao had such a great time today in the indoor playground with various recreation facilities. Fortunately, his mother wasn’t carsick or seasick. Or else, he couldn’t have tried so many facilities.

At first, only the two of them played together. Later, Wen Baobao felt boring and pulled He Siming to join them. But He seemed sick, looking pale throughout the game.

“Thank you for being with us today, Mr. He. I’ll treat you a meal next time to make it up to you,” Wen Shuyue extended her thanks sincerely with a smile.

“Hmm, next time,” He Siming answered as indifferently as usual.

Wen Shuyue smiled a bit rigidly since she felt she was being too enthusiastic. Instantly, she was rendered speechless and followed He Siming with Wen Baobao to leave the playground.

Upon exiting the playground, Wen Shuyue trembled with a gust of coldness.

“Mommy, it’s snowing outside,” Wen Baobao yelled excitedly.

It never snowed in the country where Wen Baobao used to live so he got very excited whenever he saw snows on TV. This time, he was of course beyond excited to see real snows.

Wen Shuyue also liked snowy days best. Though it was freezing, she ran directly to the snowfield with Wen Baobao.

Like two happy children, they looked up in the sky and welcomed snowflakes to fall onto them. Not enjoying the snow in the way they did, He Siming walked ahead slowly and soon disappeared in the snow.



Having spent too much time playing in the snow last night, Wen Shuyue kept sneezing back in the office. Obviously, she caught a cold.

“Miss Wen, do you need a break?” Xiaolu asked when she saw Wen Shuyue feeling bad.

Wen Shuyue shook her head and rubbed her nose after extracting some tissue. “I’m fine. Call me Shuyue when it’s just you and me. I feel weird when you call me Miss Wen.”

Wen Shuyue had a connection with Xiaolu since Xiaolu had worked for her for years. Even though Xiaolu was her subordinate, Xiaolu was a good business partner.

“Okay, Shuyue, I’ll take over the work from here. You do need a break before you get too exhausted to handle the work,” Xiaolu insisted.

Since Xiaolu insisted, Wen Shuyue gave in and went to the restroom to take a break.

“Miss Wen, the man who caused some trouble here last time comes again. But he said he’s here to do business with you.” Wen Shuyue was woken up soon after she fell asleep.

Knitting her eyebrows tightly, she couldn’t figure out Lu Junhan’s purpose of today’s visit.

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Upon entering the reception room, Wen Shuyue saw a familiar figure.

He Siming?

Did Xiaolu refer to He Siming instead of Lu Junhan just now?

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