2nd Story 7

2nd Story 7 

Although she said that, she saw more and more people watching around her. Jiang Xinyue was afraid that things would get bigger. There is more than one son of Li Ming in the family, otherwise, things will not end well! But if she makes trouble at this time, Dad will definitely be angry.

In desperation, Jiang Xinyue had to order someone to pick him up and send him to the nearest hospital.

After a brief examination, the doctor said, “He’s fine, but he is malnourished, and he doesn’t rest well, so he fainted. A bottle of glucose will be fine.” After that, the doctor left, and there are other patients to see Woolen cloth!

Jiang Xinyue was stunned, fainted due to malnutrition in these days? How poor is his family! Jiang Xinyue suddenly became interested, sat on the chair and looked at the pale young man lying on the hospital bed, only to realize that he was actually quite good-looking.

“Miss, it’s time to go back. Madam just called and asked.” Bodyguard A stepped forward and said.

“Go check it out and see where this person came from?” Jiang Xinyue said. “Here, there’s his student ID card, you can go to the school and ask about him.”


“Go! My mother…, I will tell her myself!” Jiang Xinyue said.

Bodyguard A had to go out, Jiang Xinyue frowned and looked at the surrounding environment, “Come here, give him a separate ward, there are so many people, how can you live here!” Bodyguard B had to go to the nurse to change the ward. Anyway, Mrs. said, as long as there is no major incident, it will be fine as long as the young lady happy.

When Lin Qingyuan woke up, he stared blankly at the ceiling thinking where is he? Suddenly remembering something, he turned over and sat up, “Damn it, I’m late!”

“You’re awake, what are you doing, sit down! I bought you porridge, eat it now!” Jiang Xinyue said with a smile, seeing that he wake up..

Lin Qingyuan looked at her blankly, “Who are you?”

“I accidentally bumped into you, you fainted, and I took you to the hospital. Sit down and eat!” Jiang Xinyue said with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ve already called the house where you are tutoring, don’t worry!”

Lin Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you, in fact, you don’t need to care about me, it’s my own bad physique, and it has nothing to do with you.” After going to university, he did not need to worry about tuition fees, but living expenses are troublesome. Lin Qingyuan has to study hard and actively participate in various activities in the school, entering the student union while working part-time outside to earn living expenses. After a long time, his body naturally can’t stand the pressure and his physique was not good before, let alone now.

Jiang Xinyue already knew Lin Qingyuan’s life experience. In fact, she admired Lin Qingyuan’s self-improvement and self-reliance spirit. Although he was born poor, he was able to make progress with his own efforts. His academic performance was good and his hobbies were wider. , and he also participate into the Poetry Society. She has read several poems written by him, which are very good and talented. Teachers and classmates also praised him, and he kept himself clean. Until now, he has never even talked about love. It’s not that no girls are looking for him, but he said that he wants to find someone who is really in love with him. Jiang Xinyue felt that he seemed to be a person made by God for her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xinyue said with a smile, “Are you working as a tutor? I have a younger brother who is not good at maths, I always wanted to find a tutor. It’s just that my younger brother has a bad temper. Those tutors usually run away after a few days. Now. I think you have a mild temper. I wonder if you want to try it? From Monday to Sunday, one hour a night, eight hundred yuan a month, what do you think? “

Lin Qingyuan was a little cramped at first, but the young lady spoke generously and decently, she also has an elegant temperament, from first glance, she is from a big family, and she is so kind and gentle. She is too generous, a stranger fainted in front of her even though she was so busy, she still took him to hospital and even bought porridge for him. I feel a little ashamed in front of her. Hearing Jiang Xinyue’s words at this time, he suddenly raised his head, thinking that he heard it wrong, but after seeing Jiang Xinyue’s gentle eyes, Lin Qingyuan knew that he was right. This lady probably really had other means to him!

In that instant, Lin Qingyuan thought a lot and thought of Ji Ran, but he couldn’t figure out what was his worth to catch the young lady’s attention. Maybe it was just a whim. It’s just 800 yuan a month is more than what he earns in a month. Thinking of his hard work for more than a month, Lin Qingyuan was heartbroken, and lonely, what is there to be missed by others. It doesn’t matter if the lady is on a whim or not, let just do his own thing.

“Thank you. I really need this job, thank you.” Lin Qingyuan stood up and bowed respectfully to Jiang Xinyue.

Jiang Xinyue was in a good mood. Even after returning home, she was not so angry when she heard Jiang Haisheng explain that he was going to Cheng’s house to congratulate Mr. Cheng on his birthday. After Jiang Haisheng left, Jiang Xinyue lay on Madam Jiang’s shoulder, “Mom!”

Madam Jiang smiled helplessly when she saw her daughter acting like a spoiled child, “What’s the matter?”

Jiang Xinyue smiled, sat down beside Mrs. Jiang, “Mom, I found a tutor for Phaeton, a college student from ** University, I have investigated, he is clean, his academic performance is also good, and his reputation in school is very good. Phaeton’s mathematics isn’t it good, right? This tutor got 140 in mathematics in the college entrance examination! And most important thing is that he has a gentle personality, everyone who knows him says so. Phaeton’s temper… mother also knows how many tutors have fled away in the past half a year due to his temperament? Mom, what do you think?”

The flesh that fell from her body, how could Madam Jiang not know her daughter’s temper, how could she do this for no reason? In the past, although her relationship with Phaeton was good, she never thought about Phaeton in this way. It seems that my daughter has come out of the betrayal relationship. This time it was quite fast, but it took more than two months and it was much better than before. That’s all, let her be happy! As long as she doesn’t make trouble.

“Okay, you can bring him to show me in another day. If I think it’s good, so be it!” Mrs. Jiang said softly.

Jiang Xinyue jumped up from the sofa excitedly, hummed a little tune, and jumped upstairs. Mrs. Jiang sat on the sofa, looked at her daughter’s back, suddenly said, “Has his background check been clear?”

A man in black suddenly appeared behind her, handed over a document, “Madam, it’s all here.”

Mrs. Jiang took it and slowly turned to look, Lin Qingyuan, this name is not bad. Looking at the photo, she understood half of it. He looks pretty good. He is the type that her daughter has always liked. He’s an orphan there will be no poor relatives coming to fight the autumn wind, and there will be no entanglement in the relationship between mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt, sister-in-law, it is good. He is the number one student in the county’s college entrance examination so he has good genes, which is just enough to neutralize her daughter’s genes when the children born in the future should also be very smart. From a small mountain village in Jiangxi? Seeing this, Mrs. Jiang squinted her eyes. She remembered that it seemed that Cheng Shao’s fiancee was also from that place! I don’t know if these two people know each other.

Mrs. Jiang read the following investigation materials with three eyes and two eyes more, attached are several poems written by Lin Qingyuan, so she began to understood the other half. Xinyue likes poetry since she was a child. This Lin Qingyuan conforms to her daughter’s aesthetics in all aspects, and it is not surprising that her daughter can like him.

Madam Jiang handed back the information, and the man in black immediately took it back.

“You said that the meeting between the eldest miss and him was planned by him in advance?”

The man in black was stunned for a while then replied: “According to the subordinates, it doesn’t look like it. It is said that his family is very poor, and the reason why he can go to school is because he applied for student loans. But the living expenses could not be solved, so he has been working part-time for the past two months since the beginning of the school year. He also had to take into account his studies and participate in school activities. He was malnourished and had poor rest, even the diagnosis results are the same.”

Madam Jiang nodded, no matter if his encounter with Xinyue was accidental or intentional? As long as he can coax Xinyue to be happy! It’s just a small fry, even if he is an ambitious little fish, he can’t make any big waves. The Jiang family’s boat is as stable as Mount Tai and can raised a little white face who makes her daughter happy!

“Okay, I understand, you go!” Mrs. Jiang said with a wave of her hand, and then thought of something, “By the way, don’t let Mr. know about this for the time being.”


Cheng Nuo and Li Yueran took the elevator to the third floor. The first floor of Cheng’s house was a place for guests to rest and entertain, the second floor was where Cheng’s grandfather and Cheng’s father rested, and the third and fourth floors were Cheng Nuo’s site.

After they stayed in Hawaii for a month, they stopped by to play in Europe for a month. If Grandpa Cheng didn’t miss his grandson and called them back in the name of a big birthday, they would already go to Australia to play!

“I’m so tired!” Li Yueran stood there and yawned. Cheng Nuo hugged her, “Go back to the room to take a shower if you’re tired, then go to bed!”

Li Yueran nodded, “Yes.” Then she suddenly remembered something, since she met Cheng Nuo, she was so pleasantly surprised. She always felt that something had been forgotten. She suddenly remembered just now, “A Nuo, did I tell you that I have a mother and stepfather in my hometown?” She and Cheng Nuo are engaged, and her origin is not a secret, someone will know about it sooner or later. She is not afraid of anything else, but she is afraid that her stepfather will come and ask for this or that. The stepfather’s face may not be given, but there is also her own mother!

Cheng Nuo smiled and placed a kiss on Li Yueran’s forehead, “Don’t worry! I already let people solve it the next day I found you.”

After listening, she asked nervously, “It’s solved!?. How to solve it?” Shouldn’t it be….?

Cheng Nuo smiled helplessly, “What are you thinking about! I just let someone set up a game for him and make him owe a gambling debt. On the third day after we left, he wants to take advantage of the dark and even planned to take you with him. Your mom ran out. Now, no one knows where he is!”

Li Yueran breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn’t die! “How much do he owe?”

“Not much, just over two million!”

Li Yueran rolled her eyes, she understood why her stepfather ran away, more than two million, so much to kill him!

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