Book I – Legend, Chapter 35 – Forever, Sek Si!

“Isis!” Shouted Abercorn Trilleck.

“First lady!?”

“Lady Isis?”

“Sister Isis…”

All the elders were taken aback by Lady Isis’ most recent, sudden, and domineering displays of might. The rage was involuntarily growing as she had assaulted her own husband!

Their leader!

Only allowed on

They had never once seen her act this way.

Jodye Trill, on the other hand, was giving his mother a thumbs up on the inside. He disagreed with his father’s actions as well. His mother was a goddess visiting this mortal plane, how dare his father attempt to forcibly control her. This was blasphemy.

“Hmph,” lady Isis sneered in disdain at the surrounding Five Elements Wolf Pack elders, “Leave us. I will stay with my son.”

After speaking, Lady Isis sashayed her way slowly into one of the palace’s cultivation rooms. Grandpa Geb and Abercorn Trilleck just looked at each other, a wry smile on the faces. “Maybe we shouldn’t…”

“Do not worry, father. Master.” Osiris Trilleck dusted himself off and gave a deep bow out of respect. “This one knows what to do. I will speak to my wife later. Although her temperament is as cold as ice, her anger remains fiery. The plan will still proceed forward.”

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“It is your matter to handle, and I can not interfere,” sighed Grandpa Geb as he turned around, “Let us leave, Rex.”

“Yes, Fort master,” Said the huge man behind Grandpa Geb with his back to the crowd, as they disappeared in a portal made of shadows.

House Lord Osiris Trilleck knelt in front of his son with a bright smile on his face, “You have done great today my son, absolutely amazing.”

“Thank you, father.” Jodye had a complicated expression on his face as he faced his father. Lord Osiris was slightly taken aback when he heard the way this third oldest child of his had just spoken to him. It’s not that Jodye had done anything rude, not at all. Rather than that, it was how polite and formal the boy was that had caught the House Lord off guard! He could count on one hand the number of times the boy used the word “father” in his presence.

Wise as Osiris was, he quickly reached a conclusion.

“There are a great many things…you do not understand, my boy.” Lord Osiris sighed, then lowered his voice and spoke gently, “I am sorry for the way I was treating your mother earlier. We’ve had some…well let us say that we do not currently see eye to eye. Plus, her previous state was provoked unexpectantly. It was definitely a mistake…

“One day you will understand this father of yours. When that day comes, I will be fully willing to answer all of your questions. Until then, I’ll just say this. I love both you and your mother dearly. If things were different…ah,” Lord Osiris paused for a moment as if he was lost in thought, then he blinked twice and continued, “At any rate, Joe, I am proud of you. I have always been proud of you, and you continue to make me proud of every action. I will not ask what your grandpa Geb has given you or explain who he is. You should already know this in your heart. Your foresight is impressive, after all. Practice hard, my son. Your mother will one day need you far more then she needs me.”

“I will practice hard, I promise. I’ll practice harder than anyone, and one day I’ll be stronger than you, and even that Grandpa Geb!” Said Jodye with an indomitable spirit. His eyes were now clear, and resolute. He looked his father deep in his eyes, “I’ll work hard to take care of my mother! And then I’ll become even stronger and take care of you, too, pops.”

“Hahaha,” House Lord Osiris laughed boisterously as he stood up straight. “Excellent, Joseph. I believe in you, kid. Okay, honored pack, we’re leaving. Ke Si, Slaughter, you two stay here,” commanded House Lord Osiris, as he disappeared into the portal of darkness with the rest of the elders.

“Practice hard kid. We shall explore the palace a bit,” said the only female elder of the Five Elements Wolf Pack, Charlotte Slaughter, grabbing Ke Si by the hand and dragging him out of the room. This dumbfounded Jodye Trill momentarily. Could these two be…?

‘Ke Si, you bastard dog,’ little Jodye gnashed his teeth in frustration. Why did it take so long to grow up, anyway?


Outside the room,

“What is the meaning of this exactly, young lady?” asked Ke Si in confusion. He had rarely seen Charlotte behave so strangely.

“Just now I received some intel that the group that was following us is beginning to surround this location,” Charlotte’s face was solemn, “They seem to be aware that the Fort Master has departed.”

“How could that possibly be?” Ke Si was utterly stunned. The Fort Master was a powerful mortal pharaoh! How could the enemy possibly detect his movements? Unless… “Could it be that there is a spy?”

“Maybe,” Charlotte didn’t deny it, as these words were indeed logical. However, she was familiar with this cult, and she had a different idea, ” it is certainly the only conclusion that makes a lick of sense. Unless, of course, there’s someone by his side that they CAN track through… special means.”

Ke Si’s face turned sinister, and dark shadowy smoke started to leak from his body, “Special means indeed. F***, how could we overlook such a big issue? I should have long made the connection.”

“Less of this, let us go now! We have to find your kinsman and stop them from tracking us again!” responded Charlotte sternly.

“What about the young master? I cannot simply,” Ke Si was thoroughly uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Jodye behind while this place was under siege.

“If I am aware of the enemy, do you think that she is not? Has she even showed concern towards this?” asked Charlotte matter-of-factly.

“This…” Ke Si knew exactly who this ‘she’ that Charlotte was referring too was. He tense nerves suddenly relaxed. He placed his hand on his shoulder with determined eyes, “Indeed. Fine, we will go now.”

A midnight shadow force field instantly covered Charlotte Slaughter and Ke Si as they both disappeared from the palace. Many masters in the underground bazaar had their brow twitch as a dominant force passed through their perceptions like a ghost. Some of the more astute masters in this underground world.

“Go to the dawn,” instructed Charlotte Slaughter. Moments later Ke Si and Charlotte walked out of the shadow of a rock pillar.

In front of them was a beautiful sight that one would never imagine seeing underground. It looked like an upside-down country as there were even exotic trees and other foliage growing with the stalactite on the cave ceiling. There were rolling hills, winter peaks, and fertile valleys. Below was a multi-layered mist, with the first layer being white.

In front of the duo was a large cliff face, that stood 800 meters above that mist. It was impossible to see the bottom beneath the cloud. This was the region known as Dawn. It was also the path that pharaoh used to travel between the different Wards. Standing near the edge of the cliff was a camp of at least 50 warriors wearing bone armor. In the center of this encampment, Ke Si was able to feel a faint bloodline resonance.

“Pu Si.” Ke Si’s eyes were dreadful as he could only imagine what these evil bastards had done to his clan mate, “Pu Si was the shadow vassal of Layla Goldwolf. Could Layla have been captured by White Demon Temple?”

“I’ve got three agents in their camp. That priest is rumored to be at the Void Philosopher Realm, but the rest are two top elite level Sage, five senior expert level Saints, and a bundle of other junior experts,” reported Hell’s Daughter Charlotte Slaughter.

“Even if he is at the Prism Rank, we will not allow him to cast anything significant,” replied Ke Si calmly, his level-headed response greatly reassuring Hell’s Daughter, “He is likely entirely focused on the task at hand. As long as I catch him off guard, does it even matter that he’s a rank higher than us?”

“Good, take out the priest. I will handle the rest.”



Ultimately, Jodye decided it didn’t really matter to him what they were doing. Even if they had disobeyed a direct order to sneak around like two high school children, and also if Charlotte had already promised herself to him. He would get over it.

Jodye Trill stood up and looked around the room, ignoring the intrusive gaze of the now standing Sek Si, which seemed to be permanently trained on himself. This was apparently a large and magnificent cultivation room within the palace. It had a meditation platform that could use the formation inscribed on it to draw in energies of the heavens and the earth. It also had a stone room where one could practice martial arts, or more specifically, Sage Arts.

There were also a couple of saunas and restrooms on this wing of the palace, and in the sleeping quarters. There was even some wine, juices, and fruits, all of which contained potent spiritual energies. Everything he needed was within reach, and there were plenty of things he couldn’t identify at all. He immediately decided to take these things with him once he left.

This felt like a paradise to the current Jodye Trill, whose only thought was to grow and get stronger. Once he had sufficient strength, he believed his parents would let him roam around outside the estate. After all, this was Jodye’s first time ever leaving his home since coming to this world!

Jodye made his way over to the platform and sat cross-legged in the center of it. Sek Si followed behind his every movement, silently, like a shadow, before sitting cross-legged next to Jodye. It was unknown what she thought as she stared at him.

Thus, he had to ask her, “What’s the matter? Are you feeling unsatisfied being mine forever, Sek Si?”

“No, young master, not at all,” Sek Si frantically shook her head, slightly in a panic. Her handsome face turned beet red as she mumbled another response, “It’s…I’m sure it is just a side-effect of the blood pact. Please continue to do your own things.”

Inwardly she was thinking, “Why does my heart feel so unsettled the moment I remove my eyes from him? Is this really the blood pact? How terrifying.”

Jodye Trill glanced once at Sek Si, causing her to blush slightly. He noticed that his natural sense of caution didn’t seem to apply to this young girl anymore. He trusted her completely, and this was instinctive, similar to how it was with Sylvester Tricko. So many things had happened today, he barely had any time to process everything. Jodye quietly sighed, before flipping his palm, where a shiny blue book covered in runes appeared with a flash of light.

This was none other than the Bright Star: Battle Book, the mental cultivation method given to Jodye Trill by Grandpa Geb!

Cultivation is the understanding of, and the manipulation of the forces of the universe! More importantly mental cultivation was about becoming one with not just your current environment, but to understand that all of us are part of the reality of the universe, we are from it, we merge with it, and will be reborn from it.

The Titanic Rage Law4Lawthe rules and principles that create, govern, and maintain the energies of the universe. When laws come into harmony they form different systems naturally, with as many functions as the laws in harmony. For laws to enter a state of harmony, they must be compatible and have a proper conduit such as a star, or anything with its own unique Origin source law. With a good enough conduit it is possible to make incompatible laws reach a state of harmony, but in such a scenario there is a high chance of the force turning cancerous. The condensation of law energy produces what is known as Force or Qi.. was an immortal body transformation cultivation method that was focused on astral energies and body refinement. It followed the Dao of Supreme Might! It couldn’t help refine his spiritual energies, it only converted them into star power, which constantly tempered his blood and flesh, allowing him to gain powerful brute strength and life force!

The Bright Star: Battle Book was different, it could teach Jodye to absorb and manipulate origin energy, as well as extract origin energy from the pure spiritual powers of the heavens and earth. Flipping through the first couple of pages, he was enlightened, as well as terrified. He had apparently been thinking about things all wrong.

“According to the Bright Star: Battle Book, an imbalance of different energies causes all the energy to turn cancerous. How scary!” Jodye felt his back grow cold with sweat. Hadn’t Sly and himself been recklessly absorbing origin energy? Hadn’t he subsequently done the same with crazy amounts of spirit source? To think he had almost caused his own death. Jodye felt his back wet with cold sweat.

“It is not quite that easy for energy to turn cancerous, Trill loser. You’re far too weak to be concerned with such a thing,” commentated Sylvester Tricko, rudely interrupting Jodye Trill’s inner monologue. “Anyway, less of that, yes? Hurry up and use your spiritual sense to memorize the mental cultivation method. Pay special attention to the breath control, and the method of energy circulation. These are the crucial elements, everything else is secondary.”

“Got it,” Jodye Trill spoke out loud, startling Sek Si, who was already meditating next to him. This platform was just too useful, and she didn’t want to waste even a second. Unfortunately, this boy enjoyed talking to himself. The boy in question was unaware of disturbing her as if he had forgotten that he wasn’t alone.

After an hour had passed, Jodye had already committed the entire contents of the Bright Star: Battle Book to his memory. Though he couldn’t comprehend all of it, Jodye discovered that when he used the spirit source of his right eye, he could at least remember the cultivation scripture in its entirety. It was like he was looking at it for the first time all over again. He could slowly study it over time.

For now, Jodye closed his eyes in meditation, and immediately entered his Host Space. Inside the Host Space, he activated his Mind’s Eye, causing the outside world to be reflected in the Host Space. He then cast his spiritual force inward and observed the flow of energy in his body, before nodding at Sylvester.

“Hmph. Alright then. Let us begin.”



Sky Fall Legend

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