Chapter 64 Cannot find someone better than him

Su Hong lay on the heated brick bed crying like she was about to die, “Mother, did you not talk with Old Wei’s family to have Wei Zhen Hui marry me? How come they changed their minds?”

Why did Wei Zhen Hui go and propose to Su Mian? It must have been Su Mian who went to the barracks and seduced Wei Zhen Hui, forcing him to be responsible.

Su Mian was such a sly fox, being so bold and daring to seduce Wei Zhen Hui.

Wei Zhen Hui was well-known in the army as a great demon king and the average woman would hide when she saw him.

Thinking about how Wei Zhen Hui was going to marry Su Mian, Su Hong was so angry that she almost threw up blood. She would not be able to let this go no matter what.

She had already liked Wei Zhen Hui for three years. What right did Su Mian have to marry Wei Zhen Hui?

The girl cried heartbrokenly and Bai Yu Lan’s heart ached, having already cursed Zhang Jie a thousand times in her heart.

That woman was unreliable. These days, she often went to Old Wei’s house and gifted all manner of cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, tea, and the like. She had even promised to allocate five mu of land behind Su Jiang Tao’s back, yet now she had gone back on her word.

She had not expected that Wei Zhen Hui would turn around and propose to Su Mian. If it had been someone else, she could still go and make a fuss.

Yet she was also a daughter of the Su family. If she caused any trouble, the villagers would definitely gossip endlessly about two cousins fighting over a man. In the end, Su Hong’s reputation would also be ruined.

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Bai Yu Lan was angry at Zhang Jie for not keeping her promise and was even more distressed about her daughter, “Good girl, we will find someone better than Wei Zhen Hui in the future.” It may not have been a good thing to marry into that family and have that mother-in-law anyway. She did not want Su Hong to marry and suffer.

“Mother, I just want him. You do not know how good he is. In the army, he is a combat hero, a god of war, an elite soldier. There is no woman who does not like him.” Su Hong cried louder the more she spoke. Why was such a good man not hers?

“Xiao Hong, you are still young and will meet a better one in the future. Did you not say that a son of a senior officer was also in your division?”

Su Hong knew she was referring to Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi was the third generation of the Red Army with a good background and good looks as well as strong abilities. However, she knew something that other people did not. When Jiang Yi was young, he was traumatised and became mentally unwell. Even if she died, she would not marry him.

Su Hong refused to accept this, “Mother, I have liked Wei Zhen Hui for three years, yet he didn’t even look at me once. Why is it that he will marry Su Mian when she only went to the barracks once? I refuse to accept this, Mother, I refuse!”

Bai Yu Lan understood that her daughter had long since kept Wei Zhen Hui in her heart, but right now, she had no choice but to say, “Daughter, forget him and find someone who treats you well.”

Even Bai Yu Lan herself knew how powerless her words were. It was not easy to forget someone, otherwise there would not be so many languishing youths and unhappy maidens in operas.

After crying for a while, Su Hong’s tears finally stopped. She washed her face and put on face powder, yet her eyes were still clearly swollen.

She did not care; she must go and ask Su Mian, otherwise she would be unable to accept this for the rest of her life.

Su Mian was studying at home. Su Jin Biao sneaked in stealthily and breathed a guilty sigh of relief when he saw that Su Jin Long was not there

He threw a note to Su Mian, then turned around and ran away.

Right now, he was too ashamed to face Su Jin Long. Yesterday, he had called Wei Zhen Hui his brother-in-law, yet he had become Su Jin Long’s brother-in-law today.

He had not expected that at the door, he would run into Su Jin Long who was coming in from outside all sweaty. Su Jin Long was just returning inside for a drink of water after working as a carpenter for the whole afternoon.

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He looked at him suspiciously, “Cousin, what are you here for?” Seeing that Su Jin Biao remained silent, he rolled his eyes, “Oh, let me tell you something. Wei Zhen Hui is my brother-in-law now.” After saying this, he raised his eyebrows triumphantly at Su Jin Biao.

Teenagers were at the age when they liked showing off, comparing what they had and what they knew that others did not.

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