Chapter 291: Shadow Guardian

“Little Brother, you’ve really made a killing this time, to think the first ability you awakened would be this interesting.” Throughout that entire process, Ferti’nier had been watching over my interaction with that stuck-up rock and its more obedient kin. As an experienced Devil King, she managed to spot the inherent specialness of my ability right away.   “That ability …

Chapter 290: Is it Really Okay For a Person to be Toyed Around by a Rock?

There had always been legends about the Great Flood floating around in the Western Human Realms. These legends had never ever been confirmed by any divinity but after years of investigation, I found that almost every country had its own version of the Great Flood legend, even the desert countries. In other words, it was more than likely that such …

Chapter 289: You’ve Awakened Again I See

Having suddenly turned into the Overlord of Purgatory, under the clone of Lucifer’s direct orders no less…I honestly had to say that the pressure was as huge as a mountain. Lucifer mentioned that I should first conquer the other factions in Sable Radiance and that there would soon be a sporadic stream of Devils coming in from the Blood Sea… …

Chapter 288: Conclusion (8)

“Brother?” Jezsere was naturally more than happy to oblige their request since that was the very reason why she came looking for them in the first place. She knew very well that Devils who were able to contract Demonesses often only fell into these two categories:  they were either immensely powerful Devils or Devils with noble bloodlines. Based on what …

Chapter 287: Conclusion (7)

Even though it wasn’t fair to treat a newborn child like this, seeing as the child herself had no way of choosing her parents, such concerns rarely mattered even if the adults themselves knew that the child was innocent… “Dead…that’s…fine too…” Moranthal muttered to himself, in what looked like an attempt at persuading himself. Having received the baby from the …

Chapter 286: Conclusion (6)

“Keep it up, Miss Ancarin…the child is almost out…” Cheered a roughly 15 years old Dark Elf, dressed in a black maid’s outfit that seemed that much more striking because of her almost sickly pale complexion and burning red eyes.   Laying on the bed, Ancarin continued wailing amidst a shower of sweat that made it seem like she was …

Chapter 285: Conclusion (5)

“DIE!” Just when there were barely two meters separating the two of them, the skinny man abruptly transformed in an explosion of muscle and fur. The first to reach out of this changing mess was a set of sharp claws whose tips seemed to sparkle in spite of the overwhelming darkness of the cell. Each point dove unerringly towards Nicole, …

Chapter 284: Conclusion (4)

“I’ll be on my way then.”   Nicole briefly stated as such before having the guard open the door for them. However, the guard didn’t immediately open the door and instead asked her, in the most serious voice possible: “Are you sure you do not wish to have another look?”   “There’s no need for that, I’ll check it out …

Chapter 283: Conclusion (3)

The weapons warehouse was strategically positioned near the training grounds so as to facilitate easier access to weapons for the trainees. Not only did this block contain all the weapons, it was where all the craftsmen and blacksmiths worked as well. With how much fighting and by extension how much weapons they went through, a steady source of weaponry was …

Chapter 282: Conclusion (2)

At the time that Nicole came looking for him, Clear Water Mirror was in the midst observing the basic training of the new Demon Hunters. Having paid her respects first, she then dove straight into business.   With regards to this genius female disciple of Thousand Snow Flowers, he had always held her in high regard, going so far as …