7. The Greenwood Family

While waiting for Alex, a woman felt anxious. Alex’ decision had been difficult for both of them—but especially for her husband. Anytime they found themselves in the same room, things turned sour. It was exhausting to witness… but Mrs. Greenwood wasn’t one to give up. Keeping the previous confrontations in mind, she coaxed her husband to lighten his mood. A …

6. Logan, part-time Taxi

“Wonderful!” The growing smile on Xandra’s lips turned dazzling. At least something good came out of all that trouble. Then, she started to kick him out the door, “Now, scram. No one’s here and I’m heading out.” “What? Why?” Xandra felt Logan’s breath brush on her ear. She took a step away from him, making sure to lock the door, …

5. Romeo and Ro—Juliet

Xandra closed her eyes and opened them slowly. She quirked a brow, “Best friend?” Logan frowned, “You don’t sound enthusiastic.” Indeed, the corner of Xandra’s lips were turned down. She blew on her bangs and bit her bottom lip. That sure backfired quickly. “I’m just processing that the guy who just trespassed wants to be my brother’s friend.” “I didn’t …

4. No, I’m Xandra

The hand on the clock ticked by, providing the only sound throughout the room. Logan couldn’t believe his eyes. Alex had always wore long sleeves and layers, even in hot weather. Never did he wear just a shirt or just a sweater. It had always been, at least two items. This moment was the first time he saw Alex willingly …

3. Alex?

When the last bell rang, Alex got up and sped through the halls. She felt two burning holes behind her back and it didn’t take much to guess on who she should blame. Logan tried to follow but since he was bulkier and taller than Alex, who was able to slip through the crowd easily, he couldn’t quite keep up. …

2. Romeo and Ju—Romeo

Before Alex could voice out any protest, Ms. Smith turned her attention back to Logan. “Alright, Logan. You go sit next to Alex. I expect an excellent performance from the two of you next week.” “Uh, yes, Ms. Smith.” Logan answered, walking towards the back row. Alex sank in her seat as she felt the students stare at her and …

1. Three Years Later

“Alright, class” Ms. Smith clapped her hands to get her students’ attention, “I know you’re excited for the new semester. Reading and analyzing books, writing reports, pop quizzes… loads of fun!” Alex plucked out her earphones and placed them inside her jean pocket, followed by her phone. She tucked her hands inside her gray hoodie’s arm holes. She slid her …

Prologue: The Negotiation

Two men sat across each other, a mahogany desk between them. Their steaming hot coffees had been ignored. Both of their calculating gazed eyed each other. These two powerful businessmen had never crossed paths before. Part of the reason would be that their enterprises fell under different industries. Neither of them needed to seek out the other… … until this …