Campfire Stories From Beyond

Chapter 18 : Campfire Stories From Beyond“P-purscha? Is that you?” Katrin ‘s voice was shaky due to the fact that the voice echoed from the trees. “Of course. Who else would it be Kat.” The adventurer known as Purscha made herself known, slinking out of the nearby treeline. She was wearing a deep brown cloak, complete with a hood that …

Grimlock’s Greeting

Chapter 16 : Grimlock’s Greeting Much like Wayla’s description, the creature resembled a Stag with long, majestic horns however an ominous blue surge of electric energy was coursing through them. “Katrin, get ready to fight.” Agni ordered as she raised her right hand before her and shouted “Weapon Call!” Her currently equipped weapon, the Halberd appeared in her right hand. …

Camping Out

Chapter 17 : Camping Out Despite the fact that Agni had 0 modifiers for combat she still gained 215 XP for defeating the creature, half of which was shared with Katrin. As for her wounds, she decided to ignore them for now. Between the both of them they had 5 HP potions remaining. Since a single potion could fully restore …

Halfway There

Chapter 15 : Halfway There The two quickly got dressed, Katrin in her starter Scribe’s gear and Agni in her Beginner’s gear. In the short time that Agni had been a woman she still hadn’t quite gotten used to baring her skin. The other women seemed to do so effortlessly, naturally especially around each other. Agni still had reservations which …


Chapter 14 : Party?Every step Katrin took caused her plump E-Cup breasts to bounce uncontrollably, a fact that Agni simply couldn’t ignore. She felt mesmerized by their bounce and sway. Katrin’s face had a huge smile as she ran, waving the whole time. Finally, the distance having been bridged she stopped less than a meter before Agni and smiled. Katrin’s …

Red Bottom

Chapter 12 : Red Bottom“Your clothes. Remove them, and come here.” Wayla repeated. She’d already taken off her own armor and was proceeding to come out of her body suit. “Um, this is–” “Don’t delay. This may be the last chance for you to complete that quest. You can’t go any further if you fail here.” Wayla said as she …


Chapter 13: Requirements“As you’ve just seen, this is the fate that awaits you should you fail to maintain the requirements for being an adventurer. As I’ve said many times, being an adventurer gives you free reign on how to shape the world you’re about to live in. By the same token, with that power comes a certain amount of responsibility.” …

Midnite Deluxe

Chapter 11 : Midnight Deluxe “So much… just from one encounter that only lasted a few minutes. Ha..ha… ahh… I’m a pervert.” Agni whispered to herself as she gazed up at the evening sky. It was now past midnight, the early hours of the morning. She was still floating in the spawning pool as she enjoyed the sensation of buoyancy …


Chapter 9: Pounce“Huh? What the…” Agni found herself in the midst of a dark world, painted with shadows and shades of red. “Where am I?” She said as she lifted her hand and took a long hard look at it. Black. It was as if a shadow was clinging to her, covering her entirely. Thump-thump.Thump-thump. “What’s that sound?” Agni strained …

Love-Love Juice

Chapter 10 : Love-Love Juice “You really have a death wish!” Abeni shouted as she took a step backwards in anticipation of Agni’s leap. What she didn’t expect was the speed and accuracy of Agni’s movements. Agni landed on all fours and crouched as if she was an animal on the prowl, she then leapt forth a second time, her …