Vol. 1: Chapter four – dinner (part 1)

Sun Xiao and Li Xinwen reached the latter’s room found at the second floor of the house. His room was located immediately to the right of the staircase. ‘This is a rather generous space!’ Li Xinwen thought. He was comparing it to how they lived in the Soaring Heaven sect where the hallways to the living quarters were narrow and …

Vol. 1: Chapter three – meeting the family (part 3)

Xue Rui was working in his office when he received the text message from his former fiance. After reading the message, Xue Rui couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. ‘How precious,’ he thought. He decided to call instead of replying back with a text. Jinghua answered on the second ring. “Jinghua, what a pleasant surprise. Didn’t you say …

Vol. 1: Chapter three – meeting the family (Part 2)

A week passed and Li Xinwen was well enough to be discharged from the hospital. As was planned, Manager Su picked him up and they went directly to where they were holding the press conference. Upon arriving, they were met briefly by the CEO of Oracle Entertainment company to welcome Li Xinwen back and they proceeded to the hall where …

Vol. 1: Chapter three – meeting the Family (Part 1)

The next day, Li Xinwen felt much better. After spending the whole night absorbing spiritual energy, he concluded that he would be able to establish the foundation that night. And his path to cultivation could truly begin. This speed even made Li Xinwen sigh in jealousy since he had spent two years in his last life to even establish this …

Vol. 1: Chapter two – xue rui and Li Jinghua (Part 2)

Li Jinghua met Xue Rui outside Li Xinwen’s hospital room and together they walked down the hall towards the elevators. It was Li Jinghua who broke the silence.  “Rui, how about we go to a nearby cafe and have a chat? I have something important to tell you,” Li Jinghua said as she gazed at her fiance. Xue Rui looked …

vol. 1: Chapter two – Xue Rui and Li Jinghua (Part 1)

Li Xinwen stared at the man with a complicated look. According to the original’s memories, this man is Xue Rui and is indeed the original’s patron. Rich, powerful, and owner of the No. 1 entertainment company in Huaxia1. The scary thing is, that the entertainment company is not his only business. In fact, he also has his hands on one …

vol.1: Chapter one – a new beginning at the end of the line

A lone battered man stood in the middle of a desolate land, staring up at the sky filled with dark clouds. He was unwilling to accept his fate. After all, he was a peak master of his sect. To be reduced to such a sorry state, he felt that the heavens had wronged him. If he had known earlier, he …

Levels of ability users and zombie ranks

Levels of Ability Users First Awakening: Human’s first evolution. Whenever they use their abilities, their eye colour will change for a small amount of time. Level 1Basic ability such as projectile, walls, pit and strengthening.Level 2Improvement in level 1 ability.Level 3Increase in strength, allows ability users a wider range of use on their ability. Second Awakening: The eyes of the …

Cultivator’s ranks

Body Transformation stage The Body Training Stage was the first realm for those who pursued the road of martial arts. It involves the tempering of their bodies and was separated into six stages. Stages Details 1. Strength Training The very first step in cultivation; in this step, a cultivator will strengthen their mortal bodies as a foundation. 2. Flesh Training …