As Alex was considering the best way to take out the men, the egg in his had shattered and an Alce landed in front of him along with a notification that read ‘The user has successfully hatched a level 1 Alce, its status can be read in the same tab as the users status. Thank you for taking a part …
Chapter 2: rebirth?
Alex awoke surrounded by flames and ash, his entire surroundings were on fire, nothing made sense to him. As he staggered to his feet he heard a man shout”Burn the filthy Elven village, no longer will we tolerate them leeching off of our resources and refusing to pay taxes.” A noise resounded in Alex’s mind it gave a brief rundown …
Chapter 1: An end and a Beginning
When Alex was diagnosed with cancer his belief in the world plummeted to extremely low levels, he had to deal with the illness alone. His wife left him as soon as he told her the news, saying that if he was unable to provide for her then there was no point in them being together. The rest of his family …