Chapter 10 – The Start of Their Journey

The Moonfire Knights all stood there in shock upon hearing the declaration for the winner, spoken by Tythus, herself.  Aeon turned around and raised her fist, which was covered in blood, in the air,  “All hail the empress!” She said aloud before her allies suddenly released roars of cheers and joy. They could hear their own hearts palpitating loudly that …

Chapter 9 – Dominating Victory

“W-What? All hail the empress?” Estin swallowed her own saliva upon hearing that phrase. She couldn’t understand but she could feel chills running up and down that shook every fiber of her being.  “I still couldn’t believe that she will fight against four thousands of knights, mixed with mages and tanks. Is.. is she really going to be okay? She …

Chapter 8 – All Hail the Empress!

Cynane narrowed her eyes as she stared squarely with Eleftheria, who was grinning with intense anticipation, which no one could understand. It is as if, the sorceress had been living her whole life fighting and that fact alone, is enough to convince the great knight that her opponent has dozens of experiences, waiting to be unfolded in this face-off. However, …

Chapter 7 – 500 vs 5000

Helfor and the rest were astounded at what Aeon told them. They stood there, all frozen with their mind blanked– They are now unsure whether they should just forfeit the match or continue on.  Estin gritted her teeth, “I thought you’re a tactician? You don’t lower down everyone’s motivation like that. Show some respect.”  Eleftheria softly glared at the scarlet-haired …

Chapter 6 – The Mock Warzone

“It has finally arrived, ey?” A tall woman with short, icy blue hair and lime green eyes said as she stared at the clear blue horizon filled with white clouds. Much like the colors of the skies, it perfectly matched her hair color, which seemed to reflect a bit of a sunlight that made it look like it was glowing. …

Chapter 5 – I Want to Court You

It has only been a day of stay for Aeon and Eleftheria in the Moonfire Kingdom. Although Aeon barely passed the qualifications set by Estin, herself, the ill communications between them just gets worse with each hours that flows by. Aeon and Eleftheria were in the barracks, training with the other knights, who had already acknowledged them except the general, …

Chapter 4 – We Don’t Need You

Aeon kept her stare at Estin, who began cracking her knuckles and then hopping as an exercise. After a few more seconds, she stopped and moved her head from side to side to crack and relieve the nerves on her neck, Estin Stronghold. She isn’t an ordinary general. I had seen her fight in the war games against the Primdians; …

Chapter 3 – The Starting Flame

Aeon and Eleftheria stood there with their jaws dropped and eyes widened after hearing of what Estin just told them. “No way.. That sounds unfair..” Eleftheria couldn’t shout it out for she still finds it unbelievable. They have never heard of such system back when they took the assessment, will this kingdom be the cause of their motivation to drop? “I …

Chapter 2 – Estin

Aeon and Eleftheria finally entered the large gate and scanned their surroundings; the whole area is filled with small gardens, in which numerous red and white roses grow along with amaranths and daffodils, that surrounds the stoned pathway towards the main square. They seemed to be designed to welcome those who would visit and it is indeed a great way …

Chapter 1 – Aeon and Eleftheria

Large flames have danced and scattered within the large area of the Primdian Kingdom as knights in their heavy, platinum armors clashed their blades and spears against their glorious purple counterparts. The deafening clanging sounds of the blades and armors colliding were too ear crushing for an ordinary villager, but not to the ones within the battlefield. The battle cries …