Remastered – Chapter 1 – The Empty Heart Behind the Mask

 {[No path is taken for free. Each route is a gamble. Our steps determine who we are and, ultimately, who we will become.]}   Melissa learned something a long time ago. The meek may inherit the world, but currently, the violent rule it. Blood rolled down her thigh, and tears filled her face. At one point, her screams had turned …

Her Story – Part 2

******* Eve’s soul manifested inside the body of a blonde girl. The first time Eve’s divine eyes observed the world was a moment of tragedy. The woman before her was robbed of her purity by eight men. Eve glared away… Even if she was just a spirit to these mortals, what they were capable of was sickening. Then a sole …

Chapter 17 – Her Story Part 1

{[Never underestimate a pawn.]} An era before worlds, before space, and before time. “Hold them tightly.” His voice was raspy, and his soul was fading. A gold and silver dagger had pierced his chest, corrupting his life, erasing his power. “The First was killed, and my wounds will take me soon…” The boy held both girls in his arms. In …

Chapter 16 – Peace – Part 2

******* Melissa waited in a dark alley. The cold sunk deep into her bones. She understood what she was risking, but it had to be done. “Little p****.” A sickening tone gripped her heart tightly, like a scab that refused to heal. “I knew you’d come back.” Ensley walked toward Melissa with a big smile on his face and with …

Chapter 16 – Peace – Part 1

{[The best peace and happiness is the one you create for yourself, within yourself.]} Ashner grazed his jaw, it was still a little sore, and his black eye was just about healed. A few weeks had passed since Ensley attacked them. Despite that, the group was living their lives like nothing happened. Gio had left the city. He ventured deeper …

chapter 15 – enemy of my enemy – part 2

******* The cold faded the further south they went. First, the snow melted, and then the three removed their thick clothes, opting for thinner sweaters. “How is it so warm?” Risa asked as she removed her top from the backseat. She wore a tank top underneath. “We’re getting closer to the equator. Even in the winter, it doesn’t get that …

Chapter 15 – Enemy of my enemy – part 1

{[Sometimes, the filth of life drags you back down to its depths.]} Risa clung on to Ashner’s arm, still purring while she slept. His hand was wrapped around her butt. Lina hung on to Ashner’s other arm. Her body pressed against him. Out of all the girls, she was the softest. And Melissa, who woke Ashner with an early morning …

Chapter 14 – Bonds Between Worlds – Part 2

******* “Have you guys ever watched Lord of the Rings?” Gio asked as they ventured into the cave. Ashner and Gio wore their NODs. “How would that be possible?” Ashner questioned. “Oh right, lately I’ve forgotten we’re in another world… When something becomes an everyday occurrence, you start to forget it’s extraordinary.” “Can you focus? We’re in the middle of …

Chapter 14 – Bonds Between Worlds – Part 1

{[Regardless of your circumstances, learn to catch your dreams and find love regardless of your sorrows.]} “That answer is simple.” Wong tapped his fingers against his shoulder. “Food.” The group sat around the Stryker, some of them sat on picnic chairs, and others leaned against the armored vehicle. Gio yawned. “Do we really need to discuss this now? We just …

Chapter 13 – The Betrayers

{[Evil can never truly be destroyed. Some hearts desire it and only feel alive when they harm others… But for the souls that can be redeemed. You don’t overcome their evil with more evil… You destroy their darkness, with your kindness.]} “Are you okay?” “No,” Ashner admitted. “I’m far from okay… Alex. You told me you could tell when someone …