chapter – 108 – Foundations For Unlikely Partnerships

Deniv, a young 17-18-year-old orphan boy, was not certain of his age. This was true for most of the boys who had banded together to create the gang ‘Revenge’. As the leader of this gang, Deniv signaled a young man under his command, who then took the wooden box and handed it to him. Deniv took the wooden box and …

chapter – 107 – Extending Help – Revenge

Extending Help — ‘Revenge’ Epsilon’s newly constructed wooden villa had all the necessities. At present, he was sitting on a chair in his office, reading several documents on the table. These documents were from Blue Tear City. It contained information about new types of organizations or more correctly, gangs. Creating an organization was no crime. There were different kinds of …

Chapter – 106 – war Aftermath – True Epsilon

War Aftermath – The True Epsilon Two Days Later… The city was littered with shells, weapons and pools of blood. Red, silver and khaki became the new colors of the once hectic and vibrant city that was now the stage of a long, destructive war. The air that was usually alive with the sounds of people chattering and work tools …

chapte 105 – energy Generation

The last few minutes for Nick were one shock after another. As he heard the Master Duelist, he very seriously once again wanted to know more about Ravia’s origin. The Void Hunter Rat had merely shown his existence, casually said he was protecting Nick, and that was enough for the Master Duelist and its organization, or most likely its master, …

chapter – 104 – lord Level – Cardinal Level

A tough adversary was prepared for Nick on one side but deep within the battlefield itself, Nick was very happy. He had just managed to destroy a Magister Level Ancient Stone Giant with ease and his two Reaper Anubites and other summoned creatures ambushed the Werfur troop, killing all the warriors and mages. At the same time, Blue Tear City’s …

chapter – 103 – Space Eater

Leader Warin’s warning had a visible impact both on Spectator and the Lord of Anderium. The Lord of Anderium was an Expert Level 1 creature, a level higher than Magister. He was aware of the existence of such abilities. Spectator too was a being of wisdom and power. Therefore, he had some information about such spells and magical techniques as …

Chapter – 102 – hard Murder

After deflecting the Stone Ancestor Giant’s attacks, it was now time for Epsilon’s counterattack against the Magister Level creature. He let out a breath and whispered. “Vacuum Bomb” As the spell was cast, three Vacuum Bombs appeared and within a fraction of a second, shot directly at the Stone Ancestor Giant. Albeit stone-based, the Giant was indeed a smart creature; …

chapter – 101 – Ambushing an Old Friend

Epsilon looked at the monsters rapidly heading towards the gaps in the wall, which would let them cross over to the city. He knew he would stress himself out a bit but he still summoned Regular Anubites. With one thought from him, more than 100 Regular Anubites appeared on the battleground — this was already his summoning limit. The Regular …

chapter – 100 – Three Monsters

As Epsilon beat the War Machine Model 3 in a single shot, the Lord of Anderium and Spectator turned to look at Warin with complicated expressions. “What kind of human were you dealing with Warin? That spell of his, that destroyed the War Machine – Model 3, would be enough to kill any of us if we did not expect …

Chapter 99 – War Machine – Model 3

The invader side had three generals — the Lord of Anderium, the Werfur Base Anderium Leader Warin and also a creature from the depths of the Anderium Forest, that did not want any power or glory, called Spectator. While both Leader Warin and Spectator’s magical powers were at Expert Level 1 or Magister Level, which was formidable enough, the Lord …