Chapter 148 – Humanoid Form Crowia Part 3

As Epsilon wrapped his mind around his no-mean-feat, he smiled. After resting for some time, he felt slightly refreshed as well. Having come this far, there was now only one aspect, at least in the knowledge section, that was needed to be added to the Crowia project. Epsilon wanted that the Crowia race to be humanoids who could walk on …

chapter – 148 – echolocation Crowia – Part 2

Epsilon, who by now had rested enough, got up from his bed and teleported back to the island. He braced himself once again but first, he filled up his stomach to gain more energy, and then started working on the Crowia project. The Green Spider Race seems to be living a good time on his land and they always worked …

chapter – 146 – Creation Of Crowia – Part 1

The creation of Crowia’s first member, a Crowman was not simple for Epsilon. But he knew that all details of the process had to be completed with perfection for the optimum results. Having completed the first part under the ‘Knowledge’ section, he steadily added more. ‘Knowledge 2’ A crow is a bird of the genus Corvus, or more broadly a …

chapter – 145 – Crowia Account

Epsilon may have a passing interest but he did not care about the Green Spider Race and its political problems. This was not his concern and his help may not be appreciated in these kinds of situations. It was their internal problem and as a race, they had to work out the problem themselves. Epsilon had no right to intervene …

Chapter – 144 – Green Spider Three Factions

As he was observing the Green Spider Race members, something popped into Epsilon’s mind. In reality, he had thought of it before as well but he did not have any personal relationship with the Green Spider Race and hence, he did not care about it as such. But now he was starting to wonder why these green-legged beings were not …

chapter – 143 – AI For Golem

Right now, in a very base sense of what the requirements were going to be for his larger plan, one thing stood out — Epsilon needed to create an ‘AI’. At the same time, he had to be careful that his technology or process did not get exposed or fall into the hands of others easily. An AI, similar to …

Chapter – 142 – Stone Golem – Sun and Cheetah

The stone golem that Epsilon created was three meters in size and weighed about 1.5 tons. Its shape was humanoid and was completely made of rock. Right now, the only thing holding the stone golem together was Epsilon’s magical energy. He shook his hand and then started working on the matter of creating an Ether Stone energy core. Epsilon started …

Chapter – 141 – alya – Project

Alya found herself thrown out of Epsilon’s property and gave out a cold breath. It was her own words that led to her present predicament but it made her feel weak. It reminded her of a past when she had to beg on the streets for basic sustenance. The current mighty official of Blue Tear City’s Foreign Affairs department did …

Chapter – 140 – Visitor – Green Sparia

The Green Spider Race was not very different from the small spiders found on Earth, Epsilon’s home planet. As they were living ordinary lives of their species, one of their ancestors, more than 10,000 years ago, encountered a green ball of energy in one cave. The spiders who had contacted this green energy ball reached the size of a dog …

chapter – 139 Thank You Lord Epsilon

The Green-Legged Spider race was immersed in building the requirements for their temporary camp on Epsilon’s property. At the same time, the other races were not idle either. Within mere hours of them having set foot on the ground, the Blue Tear City Government was already aware of their arrival. The City’s intelligence sharing system was perfected over time and …