Chapter 30 – Introduction To Survival Training

Every year in Nexus University combat-related students go on a training camp to experience real-life survival training. If it were the typical type of survival training almost every student would be eligible to attend, however, the event’s venue has been the same for several hundreds of years and is the main reason not all student can participate. Located in an …

Chapter 29 – Old Zekar Drake

“Young lad before we start did that loudmouth Orc tell you anything about me?” The man asked out of curiosity. Luon gave it some thought but other than being a mysterious master of the underworld, and several unconfirmed rumors he didn’t know anything at all. Luon shook his head in response, and the man smiled and said, “Nevermind then, the …

Chapter 28 – The Poor And Surpressed

“I’m broke.” Luon lamely says as he sat down for breakfast with Bendan, Tyron, Gizmo and a newly added friend Thomas. It had been a week since his first classes, and he already spent his monthly salary on materials to create useful tools, weapons, armor and other exciting things. Luon naturally thought he could commision them in the school stores …

Chapter 27 – Basic Engineering

It was a brand new day as Luon happily feasted upon a healthy breakfast before entering the Vortex Container to attend his engineering class. The class was divided into 2 segments, digital lectures, and real-time practical assembly. Since time was slower in the Virtual world students could study for a whole day without rest in only 3 hours. To ensure …

Chapter 26 – Commander Class 3

The roar of a wild beast shook the battlegrounds, cheers emulated from Chester’s base as they regain some morale. Although Luon had already sent Gizmo the information about the Giant Troll, he still had to regroup with the main forces. All Luon had right now was himself, Tyron and six elven archers who were launching suppressive fire over the base. …

Chapter 25 – Commander Class 2

Before Luon’s eyes, inside of Chester’s base was a textbook example of the same type of strategy he pulled when he first battled against Gizmo. At the start of the match, he would start building workers who would then cheaply construct useful machinery to out value the opponent in the long term. The downside to this was like how Gizmo …

Chapter 24 – Commander Class 1

After breakfast, Luon entered the Vortex Container and with CITA’s instruction he successfully logged into the class lobby. Luon was a little bit early as there was still time before class starts, but he noticed that there were already other students in the lobby. Although his dorm mates had yet to arrive as well as Zythos’s lackeys, Luon who sent …

Chapter 23 – Confrontation

Luon woke up the next day refreshed after a successful night of cultivation. He exited the Vortex Container to head towards the dormitory cafeteria to have breakfast, and along the way, he met up with Gizmo, Bendan, and Tyron. Today’s class was Commander Training, and this was held in Varz, after all, if large groups of students were to take …

Chapter 22 – Consolidating Foundations

In front of Luon was 5 different manuals covering each aspect he was lacking. These books do not make skills magically appear in his skill list after reading it, but they were cultivation techniques that required time to master. Before he had started training he had consulted Bendan on that aspect, how could he be such a powerful cultivator at …

Chapter 21 – Playing With Friends 3

Bendan and his squad reached the border between the Luon’s and Gizmo’s terrain and quickly disperse in several directions scouring out Gizmo’s region for hidden surprises. Luon had already gotten the general area of where Gizmo’s headquarters was with his first initial falcon scout, but it had already been over 15 minutes since he had last had any information on …