Chapter 130 – Things Going Wrong

“Thanks for the hard work!” “No problem, just doing my duties.” “Alright, come along now traitorous scum. We don’t have all day.” A rally of men led a man away. He who had his face covered in a black bag, as he was dragged away in chains, was Opo after he had been memory wiped. Opo hobbled, but the officials …

Chapter 129 – The way home is very far away

“Commander, all ships have been accounted for as reported from the squad leaders,” the communications officer stated. Arisa nodded as she commanded, “Alright, start the warp engines back home! We can’t waste a single second that our brave warriors have spared us. Send the battle report to my office after we have fully retreated from the battlefield.” “Acknowledged,” the communications …

Chapter 128 – Quick Responses

“Stay focused guys! One misstep and you’ll die! If you want to make it out of here alive, then follow me!” Luon roared. After breaching the Inzektor’s frontline, many other Inzektors started to swarm in on them. Carefully analyzing the situation, Luon motioned his team to the direction where he found to be weakest. An earth-shattering roar startled the nearby …

Chapter 127 – Arrangements

“Can I stay? Honestly, how did they manage to get that many Inzektors in such a short time frame?” Gizmo groaned as he nervously played with his ships control systems. “Who wouldn’t want to go out in a situation like this? Only maniacs would.” Angela commented. “Miss, can you do me a favor and grant me a kiss?” “I wouldn’t …

Chapter 126 – Realization

“Will you consider me?” On an empty deck overseeing a luxurious green planet, Arisa faced Luon and said these words with passion. Luon appeared dumbfounded. Seeing his stunned expression, Arisa realized that Luon has probably never considered her as a marriage candidate. Arisa blushed momentarily before continuing, “I mean when you go and settle down. You would want your own …

Chapter 125 – Operation End

“To think you can claim that what you just did was an achievement, how ridiculous can you get! You lost 8 people, 8 high level 70 users to one monster! How am I supposed to explain this to the higher ups now?” In an office inside of the Yietal ship, throwing a tantrum, the commander of the Yietal fleet heavily …

Chapter 124 – Clearing Things Out

The scrambling sound of feet shuffled throughout the corridor. One of the of the sources of the noise stopped and glanced at a remotely empty corner and silently approached it out of curiosity. It had heard a sound but wasn’t able to find anything at the location, confused or stood still before another Inzektor came by. The two emitted a …

Chapter 123 – Paving A Road

There’s a reason why their forces were spread out to handle the enemy Inzektors. Namely, it was easier to deal with them by having a concave. There was a fatal weakness to this, it was that any point of their frontline was breachable if the enemies attack became concentrated. Luon face couldn’t help but distort at the scene in front …

Chapter 122 – Chaotic Battleground

It was a mess. Formations were scattered, and ships turn and explode scattering the aftermath out. The acidic properties of the goo attack from the Inzektor didn’t have any explosive elements, but because some of their attacks ruin the engine and other sensitive parts on the spaceships they tend to explode rather than melt. That is an easy way to …

Chapter 121 – Operation Zedale

On the battlefield situated at the Inzektor infested planet, multiple fleets from the other solar system were waiting for the arrival of their reinforcements. From a distance, 5 bright lights illuminated the surroundings, and 5 ships came beaming in a while slowly making little to no movements after their arrival. Warp technology wasn’t widespread, in fact, its one of the …