Chapter 83- Run Away!!!

KMega6KMegacharacter sat down at the wooden table and played with the two floating chunks of whatever was in his bowl. For the past hour, the elder of the NPCs told him his life story, while the other one looked annoyed and embarrassed. Just as KMega was about to snap and try to find ANYTHING to do other than this, he …

Chapter 82- Holy Warriors

After a session of testing out a few level 300 character designs for another game, KMega6KMegacharacter entered Sword Kingdom a little excited. In his mind, they were going to receive a unit some paladins and a few priests. Instead though, he received a single old paladin well past his prime and a smart a** priest. When he saw them, he …

Chapter 81- Changes

KMega6KMegacharacter would have normally walked back to the Fort, but he wasn’t alone right now since over a fifty soldiers and Astrid7Astridcharacter were with him. While Astrid and the soldiers completed assorted patrols on their way back, KMega rented a carriage for him and Astrid. Other than accomplishing their normal duties, they would also keep an eye out for anyone …

Chapter 80- He’s Back

The priest stared at his idol KMega6KMegacharacter in amazement. ‘What a foresight’ he thought, as he considered approaching him before the bishop turned towards him. “Praise god, young acolyte. This trial must have been severe for the two of you.” (Bishop) The bishop then eyed the priestess and could see a level of divine in her that he didn’t normally …

Chapter 79- Dragon Blood

[You have begun to feel the dormant power of dragon4dragonspeciess in your veins. For a short period of time, you can transform into a dragonoid.   There is a conflict between titles and characteristics. The title ‘dragons wife’ is suppressed by your gender. Title has been changed to ‘dragon’s mate’. Only gender required attributes have changed, so the nature of …

Chapter 78- Holy Blessing

It didn’t take long for the village to figure out who KMega6KMegacharacter was. The first clue was the sword that he pulled out of the bear’s eye before giving the priest the corpse so his superiors can examine it. When the villagers took note of the sigil of a green dragon4dragonspeciess eye on the hilt, they instantly knew who it …

Chapter 77- Report

Terrar then took a step back in surprise. “Tell me how!” (Marcus) Since it sounded like an order, Terrar gulped before explaining. “I heard a rumor about a murderous bear in the Clover Plains region, so I decided to investigate it to see if that area should be avoided in your next invasion…” (Terrar) As Terrar told the story about …

Chapter 76- Bounty

KMega6KMegacharacter opened his eyes on the battlefield. His health, stamina, and hunger stats were all bottomed out. He then quickly checked his inventory and noticed that except for some money, he didn’t drop anything else of worth except for his great sword. While he was unconscious, he couldn’t learn any new information, so he had to read the fight log. …

Chapter 75: Ambush Part 2

Terrar was shocked at what he found when he logged in. He was looking into the report of the rogue bear he heard from the tavern, and since the incident with the dragon4dragonspecies had died down, he was largely unnoticed by the other players and npcs. His original intent was to eavesdrop at Jork Fortress for a night as a …

Chapter 74- Ambush Part 1

KMega6KMegacharacter was taken back by the amount of damage he had just taken. There were a few prerequisites for enraging an animal; attacking one of their young for example. In his case though, it was dismemberment. This made the animal even more dangerous in terms of speed or damage, but it also limits it to simple attack patterns. However, this …