Chapter 73- Lesser Black Bear Demon

For the first time since the tournament, KMega6KMegacharacter set foot outside the fortress and headed to the village with the bear problem. He had little knowledge about the actual changes that Eastguard had gone through, other than some tidbits that he had picked up in the forums. His first stop was the cliff that Astrid7Astridcharacter’s mother lived in. To his …

Chapter 72- Back in the Swing

Since KMega6KMegacharacter has been living in his new home at the GSP for only a little while, he was naturally out of sync on things. To top it off, his new work kept him distracted, but once things settled down, KMega started streaming regularly again. The news that he was accepted into the Green corporation went over well with his …

Chapter 71- Astrid Reborn Part 2

KMega6KMegacharacter was then forced downstairs to start cooking for the house. His obvious manhood caught the attention of everyone as he did so, causing him to feel extremely embarrassed. He wanted to take a cold shower, but Adams and Brian forced him downstairs before noticing it as well. However, as he cooked, his mind was working off his libido and …

Chapter 70- Astrid Reborn Part 1

A week quickly passed before KMega6KMegacharacter returned to Sword Kingdom and started working on the political and military situation of Eastguard that he had been neglecting since joining the GSP. Astrid7Astridcharacter’s ai shell seemed cold and autonomous. Only one other person noticed that something was wrong with Astrid, but because the system recognized Astrid as a companion, Yirk was forced …

Chapter 69- Identity

After the duel, the five came together to have a chat. “My in the game is The Immovable Jerk, but people usually call me TIJ.” (TIJ) Astrid7Astridcharacter grabbed his hand, then the mage was next. “Legilight is my IGN.” (Legilight) Astrid grabbed his hand as well before the assassin stepped forward. “Hey cutie, names Asgaber.” (Asgaber) Without warning, Asgaber pulled …

Chapter 68- 3v1+1

KMega6KMegacharacter expected to be dragged to another movie after dinner, but he was brought to a room that he hasn’t seen before instead. “This is the teams training room. We come up with gameplans and battle strategies here.”  (Adams) As Adams explained where they were, Brian got four pods ready. “Ready for your trial by fire new guy?” (Elsa) KMega …

Chapter 67- The Gang is All Here

(Author Note: I’m sorry to anyone that liked the game elements of the story and didn’t want much real world. When I started writing this, I didn’t have any intentions to do any major real world events, but it happened. I also made KMega6KMegacharacter a little more awesome than I originally portrayed. Believe me, he’s no black belt champion or …

Chapter 66- Back to Work

After KMega6KMegacharacter was employed by the Green corporation, Weise had a day off, which he enjoyed by going out for a while. When he came back and was ready to work, he was surprised that KMega had already filed several notices. Semi-hardcord gamers liked playing games, and they naturally griped and noticed the imbalancing in them. Weise expected one or …

Chapter 65- Work, Play, Work

When KMega6KMegacharacter woke up in the morning, he took a light shower and went into the kitchen to make some food for all three of them before he went out for a run. He had recently noticed that exercising regularly made him feel better, and the half an hour jog in the early morning air cleared his head. When he …

Chapter 64- Dinner and a Movie

The shopping trip was mostly uneventful. The two girls were locals at the mall and knew what they were doing, so they left KMega6KMegacharacter to himself to hunt for new clothing. He naturally went to a discount rack store. Naturally, being girls, they dragged him back into the mall to do some legit clothes shopping. He was rather nervous spending …