Chapter 3- Second First Town

KMega6KMegacharacter finally decided to go through the portal to a random town in the kingdom of his choice. It was a low population kingdom to begin with, and the starting town was really selected at random. Unfortunately for him, he was expecting to be sent to another town on the outskirts, but he was sent to the capitol instead. He …

Chapter 2- Death, and Meeting God

KMega6KMegacharacter looked at the ‘game over’ message again, and the playback of the details. In truth, he had no malice toward the dragon4dragonspecies. The npc had something stolen from her that was precious. He had seen it over a hundred times in his career, even he would sometimes be the one doing the stealing. He was just completely befuddled on …

Chapter 1- A Dragon Attacks

A teenager stood in his chair and adjusted the camera on the shelf pointing down toward it. He then checked the microphone attachments and made sure that everything was plugged in. Behind him, there was a new vr pod simply named MK5. In 2149, virtual reality1virtual realitystory mechanic is commonplace. Space travelling is commercial flights. The world has a unified …