Chapter 103: The Pride of the Strong (Part 2)

I can tell when a fellow is strong or not. The two of you combined have the power to confront Thanatos. Do not fret. I will be sure to help when you’re distracting his attention. → IgnatiusHow can we be sure you’ll help when we’ll need it? → Shen Shen asked again. My only goal in this world is to …

Chapter 103: The Pride of the Strong (Part 1)

[I only need to have them buy me some time while I kill your master.] Shen and Ryu were surprised about the fact that the beasts could talk, even so. They just said the bare minimum then shot out in a flash, flying toward the base of the dark pillar that was reaching in the skies. “LET’S MAKE HIM REGRET …

Chapter 102: Bring Me Hardships So I Can Rise (Part 2)

“ROAAR!” Even so, the numbers were still too much. The other beasts learned about the strategy of throwing boulders. A huge carpet of boulders appeared, ready to wipe the warriors out from atop the mountains peaks. [ROAAARR!!] Two loud roars resounded and then two huge shining elemental beams destroyed the flying boulders which almost killed the warriors, a beam was …

Chapter 102: Bring Me Hardships So I Can Rise (Part 1)

A chain of explosions resounded in the distance as the horizon lightened up then cot behind huge clouds of smoke and dust. Huge explosions and earth shattering shockwaves resonated from far away from where Shen and Ryu fought against the higher ranked beasts, making the ground shake even back at the Kingdom. [ROOAR!] A Frost breath was shot out and …

Chapter 101: Two in One

Who are you!? → Ryu Ryu asked back agitated as he stared around in distress. He felt the power of the one who talked just now and it was to a completely new level. Who am I? You dare ask me such?! I am Thanatos! The Legendary Dragon of Darkness and Chaos! And you mortal half breed just brought damnation …

Chapter 100: War

After a while, the harpies reported back an approximation of the number of the beasts. M-my king! It’s like a sea of demonic creatures! There must be around 20.000 demonic beasts of what I see, but they keep coming! Their numbers keep on increasing! A wind flying fairy said in an agitated voice. Are there any flying type beasts?Yes! Insect …

Chapter 99: Upcoming Danger

“My King! Please control your anger!” → Jack Jack shouter toward Ryu nervously. He was one of the warriors who stood in the front lines when they had to fight the waves but he was still in difficulty on resisting Ryu’s domineering aura. “Oh? My bad.” → Ryu Ryu excused himself with a slight nod then he glared at the …

Chapter 98: The Examination

“… Is Shen’s killing intent that strong?” → Ryu“It is.” → Bonny“Why? He never killed a person before, right?” → Ryu“No, he never killed, in this life.” → Bonny Bonny then explained with some conflicted feelings. “While I was connected to his mind, I was able to hear in the darkest corner of his consciousness, shouts, and sounds of metal …

Chapter 97: The Need to Change

Shiroko’s clan, even before being transported in this world, was one of the top 10 clans inside the game, having only items of end-game and cleaning the hardest dungeons with incredible ease. The reason why Fire Wing was able to assimilate so many people was simply that of their popularity. Ryu was also part in such a professional clan but …

Chapter 96: No Time for Crying

Ronald walked around with his swords in his hands. He was holding an Epic-ranked set of thin black swords while strolling toward the walls as if completely normal. The blades were completely enveloped in darkness and he was walking toward the Southern gate to patrol while Marina was patrolling the Northen gate. “Hey, little fairy!”“How are you today, Ronald?”“Yo brat! …