Chapter 167: Inside the Human Abyss

“So you’re telling me you don’t know about the cursed places filled with grotesque creatures that were man-made right under your feet?” → Shen“Y-you…” The guard’s eyes shone with understanding as his face paled even more while I simply continued asking questions. “So to understand you also don’t know about the beasts you intentionally freed to use as a cover …

Chapter 166: Quick Raid?

Author: EusebiusEditor: Kenny Stryker Chapter 166: Red Night Rau was staring at me with big eyes, at first shocked, then an amused and ferocious grin formed on its face as it saw my bloody-red eyes stare into nothingness with hate and bloodlust. [I see… So you are not human… but their nemesis… Please bring forth… the dark flames of revenge… …

Chapter 165: A Devil’s Fury

“Shen? I heard from Miss Amanta that you wished to see me-… Eh? From where did you get this beautiful rose?” → Sylvia She sheepishly entered the room, only to see me with a serious face staring at the rose in confusion. After she saw the flower her face brightened up instantly as she walked beside it to look at …

Chapter 164: Little White Rose

No longer shy about taking Ryu’s essence, Bonny eagerly asked Sylvia to continue, momentarily surprising her with the sudden change, starting explaining after a moment of delay: “Now that Ryu absorbed the essence of a true dragon, his dragonic side also strengthened and, sooner or later, will turn him into a true dragon. However, please don’t worry, his human side …

Chapter 163: Going Wild

Inside the room, Tara continued to nag Khalid for trying to start a fight with Ashura, while Khalid listened absentmindedly while staring at the ceiling. Seeing how he wasn’t listening to her, Tara stopped and with a dejected face, she dropped on her chair by his side, sighing helplessly. Right… I almost forgot that Khalid doesn’t care what anybody tells …

Chapter 162: Forming Bonds after Battle

“Argo! Stop!” → Elizabetta The queen shouted but was too late. The high elf was already at the demon’s neck when- “Guh?!” → Argo Charl took a step forward and struck his head right on Argo’s face, the iron collar around his neck shielding him from the sword that blindly slashed at him. “Ugh! You…!” → Argo Argo staggered behind …

Chapter 161: Dangerous Ignorance

After I left, Sylvia still remained on the screen and smiled bitterly at Ashura. [No need to take what Shen said at heart, Dhavala. Just like what happened just now to you, Shen also suffered at the hands of devils and he is, in his own way, afraid for you to not lose heart and fall into their hands as …

Chapter 160: The Weight Of Power

“Didn’t know you’re proficient with the sword. Why don’t you show me some tricks?” → Ashura Ashura smiled mockingly then took a martial-arts stance, being ready for battle. […Fine by me.] → Khalid Khalid already understood that something wasn’t right with Ashura as he prepared to strike with everything he had. The aura Ashura emanated at the moment was anything …

Chapter 159: The Powerful Weak And The Fragile Strong

Back inside the room, I sat in a meditating position on the bed as I tried to calm down my nerves then detect the problem. What happened? → Shen [Host has weakened the defensive system against the devil for almost 10 seconds. Before the devil could do anything else, I had to stimulate the host’s aura into defensive mode once …

Chapter 158: Prisoner Of One’s Own Fears

Alexander then lightly fondled her breasts as he continued to kiss her nape, making Elsey’s body more sluggish and weak. “W-wait! I said I’m already 37! Are you fine with that!? And a man besides everything else-“ → Elsey“Wrong.” → Alexander Alexander placed his finger over her cherry lips and slowly caressed them as he looked sharply in her eyes, …