Book II – Bandit, Chapter 35 – Divine Awareness Obtained!

Winter Winds City, Silver Meadow Inn At the same luxuriously decorated hotel where Jodye and company were lodged, an elder sat with a middle-aged man and a teenage boy in a spacious suite discussing something important behind a sound isolation barrier. These men all wore black robes, but the young negus boy’s brocade robes were obviously of vibrant quality. “Do …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 34 – Jupiter vs. Vik Saver

Hearing this voice, Vik Saver and little River both looked up in shock and bemusement. Sitting not so high above them casually on the branch of a tree was a handsome young man in dashing black raiments. He had caramel brown skin and two deep ocean like eyes. Obviously, this was Jodye Trill. River felt her little maiden heart start …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 33 – Smells Like Trouble!

Cassan was the first to react, pulling Jodye’s arm slightly, “Young master, are you certain you want to sell such a precious resource? In a mere few months, you could probably consume this yourself.” Jodye was slightly touched, Cassan seemed to really be looking out for his well-being. “Do not worry, my only-the-ghosts-know-how-old friend. There are some things at this …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 32 – The Purple-Sky Secret Fair

— Pangaea’s South Ward, Winter Winds City In an area close to the border of Pangaea and Rodinia there was a relatively huge city that was twice the size of Black Heart City and was surrounded by a tranquil and serene atmosphere. The chill in the air was not stifling at all, but instead had a soothing and calming feel …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 31 – The Heavenly Star’s Apprentice

— Pangaea South Ward, Black Heart City’s Inner District Six weeks later… “I can’t believe this is happening.” “Just let it happen. It’s the experience of a lifetime.” “How do you make it spin like that?” “It takes finesse.” Jodye Trill and Dessa Chimes were in a large stone building that was swarming with people. Many of these people were …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 30 – Freedom of the Mind

Sigma and the two youths in his embrace landed on the other side of the portal and discovered a large cave. The cave was spacious and carved beautifully into an apartment with different amenities geared towards cultivation and daily life. Different force crystals the size of a high chair and of various ranks were scattered around. The stone walls of …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 29 – Capture or Recruit?

Jodye may have similarly rejected Sigma, but that was mainly because he already had a few supreme heritages to acclimate himself too! He temporarily didn’t need another, as that would just be too much. However, Jodye felt that Aiken Moon had absolutely no reason to pass on this opportunity. Was the boy daft? “Um… little Aiken, are you sure you …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 28 – The Ethereal Ring of Rah

Dessa Chimes and Aiken Moon were a few dozens of meters away from Jodye looking at market stalls and a few storefronts. Dessa was nervously trying on different outfits in a woman’s clothing store, while Aiken watched her in a daze. Dessa was utterly unfamiliar with shopping for herself, but the young master had given her an order to return …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 27 – Two Doves in a cage and the Thirteenth Star

“Bartender! Bring me another round of Riot Goo! Thanks. So kid, what’s a great brat like you doing alone in this wild city?” Sigma was drinking a glass of what looked like green sider, the so-called ‘Riot Goo.’ Jodye had surprisingly heard about this alcoholic beverage from Kold Rondo. It was made using 13 rare medicinal herbs, and a slice …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 26 – Old Sigma

“It was I who told that evil man your location.” Dessa Chimes had tears in her eyes as she finally told Jodye what had been bothering her. “You… you sold me out? How?” Jodye Trill was dumbstruck. He honestly hadn’t expected this woman would betray him so quickly. Disappointment rushed over him in a wave, but soon reason caught up …