Book I – Legend, Chapter 43 – Clearing Meridians

“The Dao of the Sage is separated into nine realms of power. The foundation realm of the Sage path is known as the Scholar Realm,” Jodye was deep in contemplation, recollecting the information about cultivation he had long ago stored. It was unknown whether he was talking to the puppy on his head or himself, “After the Scholar Realm, one …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 42 – Elevate

— Eastern Badlands, Desolate Wilds, Frozen Night Camp The noble House Trilleck was a large organization with nearly 2,000 years of heritage and history. There were over 100,000 active noble members and at least 50,000 junior disciple40discipleone who accepts the knowledge of and assists in spreading the doctrines of another, taking them as a master.s, senior disciples, and holy disciples. …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 41 – Limited Apostles

Jodye Trill started to dash back in the direction of the camp with light steps, hiding his aura with the serenity earring. The Twilight Sphinx kitten, Eureka, was now resting on his head as it had seen Sylvester do. In spite of Jodye’s big movements, Eureka seemed to be in no danger of falling or even swaying. Impressed by this, …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 40 – A promise to teach

— Eastern Badlands, Desolate Wilds, 2 months later Jodye shook his head and smiled wryly after remembering those events. Though the end result was thrilling, it nonetheless proved that relying on Sylvester’s currently unstable ability was dangerous, and shouldn’t be done lightly. “It’s too dangerous, Sly. I’d rather gather a bit more power first. I feel like I’m close to …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 39 – Saint of the Frozen Mist

“Gold aura, 12 bp, a Sophomore Rank Sage!” “That’s nothing. Don’t be afraid, kid, just fight! Release your damn strength!” Xavier and then Sylvester Tricko’s voice ring out in Jodye’s mind, waking him up from his panic. “That’s right, how can I sit here idly, and wait for rescue without fighting,” Jodye Trill’s eyes became sharp, as he stopped repressing …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 38 – The incident at the underground Bazaar

….— Two months prior, Underground Bazaar, The Magic Fish Lounge Jodye Trill was seated in the Ascended Heaven Formation, on the center of a vortex of milky white origin energy. Directly at his back, like a mirror image, was the silent Sek Si, whose eyes were also closed in meditation. Initially, Sek Si was extremely startled by this occurrence. However, …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 37 – Eureka

Deep in the forested mountains of the Desolate Wilds, that same exceptionally handsome little boy was once again rapidly advancing through the forest. Merely at this time, the boy was dashing madly through the mountains as if his life depended on it. On his back was a knapsack made of magic beast hide. Inside the bag, a soft purring sound …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 36 – Sek Si, run!

— Eastern Badlands, Desolate Wilds, 2 months later About ten kilometers outside of Saint Anubis City, deep in the barren plains of the Eastern Badlands, there was a vast and desolate forest that went on for miles without end. There were many ancient looking mountains and valleys, which were filled with desolate energies, and magical beasts. Creatures with dark powers …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 35 – Forever, Sek Si!

“Isis!” Shouted Abercorn Trilleck. “First lady!?” “Lady Isis?” “Sister Isis…” All the elders were taken aback by Lady Isis’ most recent, sudden, and domineering displays of might. The rage was involuntarily growing as she had assaulted her own husband! Their leader! They had never once seen her act this way. Jodye Trill, on the other hand, was giving his mother …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 34 – Original Dao

Meanwhile, Sek Si released Jodye Trill’s tongue and collapsed weakly in his arms. Sek Si’s face was a burning crimson, as if it was about pop like a water balloon, as she tried to focus her thoughts and her vision. What on earth had just occurred? She just gave away her life’s first kiss for free. She had just experienced …