Chapter 311: Igneous Rain

“Understood, Master.”   Right away, No.3 got about to his task of counting the number of surrendered Imps. Because the battlefield was still guarded by Winged Abyssal Golems, those Devils could only sit there obediently while the counting went on. Naturally, there were those who tried to escape at first, but after the first few ended up as Devil pancakes, …

Chapter 310: D@mn You

“Nether Flames…” The leader Devil barely managed a gulp as he said that. In all likelihood, his inherited memories had a record of such a flame so he knew what he was about to face.   “Even a Flame Devil Child like you shouldn’t be immune to the effects of Nether Flames, am I right?” I whipped out my left …

Chapter 309: Don’t Worry, It’s Not Like I’ll Believe it Anyway

Sinmosa gave Nola a resigned look: “Well, if they start fighting later, we’ll just have to be on our toes then.”   “Mhm, I was thinking the same thing as well. But my size…I’m afraid my speed won’t be as quick as yours…”   “Hah, don’t just dump all the responsibility onto me.”   “Don’t say that. Besides, I still …

Chapter 308: Such Cheap Tactics Won’t Work on Me

Seeing his full strength sneak attack fail so spectacularly, the leader of those Devils was once more faced with the cruel reality of how far apart their strengths actually were. Being a rather decisively spineless one, he immediately dove right into the mass of fleeing Imps upon realizing his inevitable defeat.   “You brat, I dare you not to run!” …

Chapter 307: It’s No Use Trying to Run

As the leader of those Devils gripped down on that unlucky Head Imp, his hands burned with the flames of his fury which swiftly consumed the greater part of the imp’s body, eliciting a horrific scream from him in the process. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, this ordeal merely lasted the span of two screams before his entire upper half was …

Chapter 306: Back to the Old Days

“They were probably teleported over here.” I answered in an unsure voice. “Don’t act rashly for now, let’s see how they move first.”   “Understood, Master.”   At the same time, Nola, who was still carrying Mo Na and Cinderel, came to an abrupt stop as well. To her, even a thousand over Devils really wasn’t that much of a …

Chapter 305: Visitors from my Hometown?

“Is that so?” I solemnly nodded my head and flashed Sinmosa a smile: “That’s great then!”   “It should us thanking you instead.”   With the Hellhound family settled, all that was left was Nola. I turned to the salamander in question and asked, fully intending to strike while the iron was hot: “Do you have any other plans, Nola?” …

Chapter 304: The Black Stone of Authority

I decided to have Mother Black Ant settle down at the base of the palace. My plan was to locate a suitable location for her to lay eggs and then start her own nest. That way, she would be able to provide food for herself and ultimately grow the hive so as to provide us with poop.   In short, …

Chapter 303: A Discussion on Golem Construction (3)

“Don’t worry, Mama, Mo Na can create a skeleton for those golems.” Having said that, she gave me a soft kiss on the cheeks before proudly arching her head back.   “Mo Na thinks she can use her Dark Alchemy to recreate a skeleton core, all she needs are bones of sufficient strength and length. It will just use up …

Chapter 302: A Discussion on Golem Construction (2)

Whether I was going to help Lucifer or aid the humans, I needed more strength, that much was certain. Besides, even if I didn’t consider the future, my present needs were just as pressing. After all, the clone of Lucifer said so himself, the seal on the Blood Sea was on the verge on coming undone. At that point, a …