Volume 4 Chapter 205: The Bitter Defense of Fort Gibson

The Allied Demon Army arrived at the mouth of the River Selma and began their assault on the defensive formations. Cannons fired wildly at the southern defenses and the Dark Humans also returned fire. Both sides of the Selma River rang with ceaseless cannonfire as the Demon Alliance Army split into two groups. One group, the landing group, launched off …

Volume 4 Chapter 204: The Imminent River Crossing War On The Selma River

The flames in Brent Harbor seemed to almost light up the entire southern coastline of the Priestly Continent. The Dark Allied Forces as far away as the Sacred River Selma could see a red gleam on the southern coastline. A giant black deep-sea demonic fish was quietly floating on the sea far away from Brent Harbor. On the back of …

Volume 4 Chapter 203: The Burning Brent Harbor

The largest port city of the Priestly Continent—Brent Harbor. It was a moonless night, and the city seemed unusually quiet and peaceful. The Bearmen were the main Beastmen troops that had been assigned to guard the harbor. The Dark Humans did not place any soldiers at Brent Harbor. This was primarily because their commander did not deem it necessary. From …

Volume 4 Chapter 202: The April Sea Returns to Peace

In the April Sea, the Black Fleet was being eradicated. Under the “carpet bombing” of the mysterious fleet, the ships of the Black Fleet gradually sank under the waters. Siren King McMillan reverted to his original form and rose into the sky to make his last stand. McMillan’s original form was similar to a giant bat, except his entire body …

Volume 4 Chapter 201: The Atypical Battle of the April Sea

Within the April Sea, The Black Fleet, led by the Ocean Demon King Victoria, was currently engaged in a fierce battle with the New Moon Demonic Dragon and Sea Demonic Dragon Amy Beth’s Phantom Fleet. It was a horrifying sight to behold as both sides fired ordinary and magic-guided cannons at each other. The Ocean Demon King Victoria stood on …

Volume 4 Chapter 200: The Deep Sea Fleet That Was Destroyed After Courting Disaster

In the sea, the mysterious fleet, which had gained a favorable position, began shelling at Bella’s Demon King Fleet. Magic-guided cannons were fired from the bow of the tortoise-shell warship. Since they were in a downwind position, the power and range of the magic-guided cannon increased substantially, and many Leviathan Beasts were hit by them.    Unfortunately, the magic-guided cannons …

Volume 4 Chapter 199: The Naval Battle Between The Fleets That Met By Chance

On that side of the horizon, another large fleet was approaching Bella’s own mysterious fleet. Bella took out a simple monocular telescope. Through the telescope, Bella could see the general state of the distant fleet.    This fleet wasn’t a human or demon fleet. Bella’s first naval battle had happened when the human imperial fleet besieged the demon fleet and …

Volume 4 Chapter 198: The Chief Commander Of This Combined Fleet Isn’t Proper At All

On the northern bank of the Sacred River Selma, in Fremont Lair, Bella and Holy Swordsman Cynthia headed deep into the lair with Mechanical Creator Andrea’s guidance. As they moved deeper into the lair, Holy Swordsman Cynthia felt more and more uncomfortable.   Deep in the lair, there were all sorts of monsters. Most girls were disgusted by insects. Cynthia …

Volume 4 Chapter 197: The Unresolved Offensive and Defensive War On The Selma River

The calm on both sides of the Sacred River Selma lasted for a short three days. The large-scale battle resumed on the fourth day of Bella’s return to the defense line on the northern bank. She roughly understood the reason why the Dark Humans and the Old Demon Kings had instigated the Beastmen to attack the Humans through her inquiry …