chapter 60

Chapter 60: First Death (2) “Huh?” Katrin said as a wave of surprise overcame her. Her body felt sluggish, so much so that she nearly toppled over her own weight as she began to follow Wayla. Suddenly her balance pitched her forward and she fell to her knees with a soft thud. “What’s wrong with my body? Why is it …

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 : Bloody Result Agni’s voice was stuck in her throat as she watched Katrin sink to her knees. A sense of panic set in as she watched her first party mate, her friend fall flat in a matter of seconds. She made to move but a sharp pain in her thigh caused her to reconsider before Shula’s voice …

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 : How A Scribe Fights (1)Katrin gritted her teeth as she realized that the battle had now begun in earnest. She resolved herself for the battle after finally deciding on the tactics she would use. She recalled her Mag-gun and instead decided to proceed empty handed, taking up an open handed martial stance. “Oh? Are you sure? You …

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 : How A Succubus FightsThe resulting blast was enough to force the sound of a muffled explosion to echo through the nearby environments. At least, the first one was — the second was more fierce and much louder. Fargo’s body lurched despite being pinned by Katrin’s surprise ensnarement as the second explosion resulted in splatter of blood which …

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 : Ranked Adventurers (1) As Agni focused her thoughts she realized that her past tutelage with Wayla bore unexpected fruits. She could hear Wayla’s voice spurring on her actions. “This world may have many laws of reality that resemble a “game-like” world, but I assure you, it is real. As an adventurer you may feel near invincible at …

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 : Ranked Adventurers (2) After a brief moment of surprise Agni regained her composure and swung her halberd as hard as possible, the sound of the blade cleaving the air was fearsome. Her goal was to sink the blade into the pale man’s hip but he easily avoided the blow by hopping backwards with a few nimble movements. …

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 : Too Familiar (2)“You ladies lost?” The ‘leader’ of the band stepped forth, a husky man with thick, bulging muscles and a bald head. [Fargo Reiner Rank 2 Guardian] “No, we’re fine.” Agni responded, as she glanced at the other two men at Fargo’s side. Both of them were Rank 1 and from the look of it Striker, …

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Too Familiar (1) Agni held her breath as she walked the corridor, her mind racing as she moved towards the exit. *That was intense…* She thought to herself as she opened the door. To her surprise, Zula was waiting on the other side with a difficult to read smile on her face. “So..what did you think?” Zula asked …

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 : Watcher (1)“Ahh.” Agni barely had time to voice her discontent before several people entered the room and grabbed her by the arms. They came for Katrin as well, dragging the two out of the room and in opposite directions. The last thing Agni saw before Katrin was pulled around the corner was the expression of confusion and …

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 : Watcher (2)“Ahh, so good.” Agni was practically purring at this point as the sensation of overwhelming lust took over. *This is too much… it’s driving me over the edge…* Agni thought to herself as she watched the young woman be taken. *One…two….four people? Oh my..* Agni thought to herself as she counted the bodies in the background. …