Chapter 78 – Reaper Anubite

Making the current changes to the summoning spell, Nick was essentially honing yet another way to create spells per se. Hence, he worked on the ‘Summon Anubite’ spell for nearly three hours, during which not only did he add knowledge and perfected Fantasia, but he put most of his knowledge and mind to the job. He also made an interesting …

chapter 77 – Fantasia – Knowledge

Nick could understand the broad logic behind the Forest Lady of Beast’s words but more and more he felt like it was a bait dangled in front of him. He thought about it a little bit and then answered. “There will be a time eventually when I meet the Forest Leader, but it is not right now.” The Forest Lady …

Chapter 76 – Forest lady Of Beast

To an onlooker, it would almost appear that the blue form of the Forest Lady of Beast was glowing as she smiled and started talking. It was evident that she really liked Nick’s question of why this island was greener than the others around. “I don’t know the reason behind this or its origin, human being. I just know that …

chapter 75 – Strong Defence

Nick pocketed his inspiration for utilizing magnetic energy, completing the formula for his new spell. He then let out a cool breath and smiled as he activated the spell. As soon as the spell was in action, Nick felt magical energy sucked out of his body at a fast pace even though the action halted five to six seconds later. …

chapter 74 – Gravity And Magnetic Force

Acclimatizing to the unknown was not new to Nick but in this place specifically, he felt compelled to protect himself better. Nick was convinced that even though he had fortified his passive shield, he still needed to do more to improve his overall defence. In his mind, he was considering a defense that could better protect his existing shield, essentially …

Chapter 73 – Upgrading Shield – New

Once Nick reorganized his thoughts, making yet another mental note of increasing his defensive skills, he added this island to his list of ‘revisit later’ and moved on to find another island that hopefully had no or fewer hostile creatures. Before engaging with opponents whose power levels were much higher than that of Nick, he wanted to clearly carve out …

chapter 72 – Deep Frown

As Nick was flying in the sky and wondering about the realm he was exploring, he noticed some moving black spots in the sky. In usual circumstances, these should not be noticeable to most people, as the place was dark and these creatures were dark-colored as well. From the look of it, there should be about 10-15 of them. As …

Chapter 71 – Endless Thoughts

Like abandoning a sinking ship, the Sound Dog Chieftain had fleed from the battle site as soon as he realized the lethal power of Nick’s Vacuum Bomb spell. Just when the leader thought he managed to escape, he heard a sound behind him. There was no way Nick was going to let this opportunity pass and by now, had caught …

Chapter 70 – Massacre –

With a mind filled with fantasies of a ‘cool protagonist showdown’, Nick used the Portal Teleportation spell to reach the Sound Dog tribe in no time. From his position up in the sky, Nick looked down at a town that he identified as the dwelling of the Sound Dog Tribe. Right now, he was flying 50 meters aboveground. Casually gazing …

Chapter 69 – Vacuum Bomb

Once Nick completed the ‘Vacuum Bomb (V-Bomb) spell, he took a deep breath before testing its ability. He wanted to test it immediately so that when the time came, he was not caught off-guard by the spell’s power. It may perform too well or may not be up to the mark at all. Both situations were not good for him …