Chapter 58 – teleportation Success –

Nick faced an exciting challenge when he decided on teleportation as the route for his movement spell. After much analysis, he focused on three different ways in which he could try and do this — Portal Creation, Locking Teleportation and Simple Deconstruction. He first began with Deconstruction. Deconstruction essentially meant destroying himself in one location and then re-assembling in another …

Chapter 57 – Ways Of Teleportation

Leader Warin’s decision to issue an execution order for Wailin shook up Wariv but the person in question, Nick himself, was already aware of these developments. After he left the Werfur Anderium Magic School Main Testing Grounds, realizing that the Werfur race was not very different from humans, at least in some matters, some maids showed up and said that …

chapter 56 – execution

In a dark, gloomy room, a Werfur female was staring at the mirror. Her reflection was filled with rage and hatred. This Werfur was none other than Wailin, the former council member of the Werfur Base – Anderium. Because of her unscrupulous behavior and rude words towards the human named Epsilon, the Anderium Base leader first issued her a warning …

Chapter 55 – Fools – Ego

Nick had the attention of the Werfur students as soon as they entered the courtyard. One of the Werfur students was walking ahead of the others. Nick surmised him to be the leader of the group. At this time, when the leader of the Werfur students group was looking at Nick, one of the Werfur students behind him stepped forward. …

Chapter 54 – Courtyard – Students

Nick finished creating the summoning spells and called out two Werfur maids. The mails entered his office on hearing the call, and stood with a respectful gaze, waiting for Nick’s orders. Nick, better known as Epsilon to the Werfurs, had not only signed a Golden Document with the Werfur race but he was also exceptionally powerful and knowledgeable in creating …

Chapter 53 – Anubite – anubis

A few minutes after his request, the Werfur maids brought the books that Nick asked for to his office. After his last battle with the Deep Water Organization mages in the Underbroom Cave, Nick decided to create summoning spells at the earliest. For this, he needed a simple book, from where he could learn about the basics of summoning and …

Chapter 52 – Summoning – Shortcomings

Nick was at the Underbroom Cave’s entrance, but he did not attempt to enter. He figured it was not the best decision to do so, considering the Underbroom Cave had secrets of its own. He set up a small campsite and burned a fire. Instead of just chewing the dried meat as he did when he was hunting the mages, …

Chapter 51 – Death Law – Winner

From an onlooker’s perspective, all it took were a few purple beams and most of the captains and senior mages, including Elic, the leader of the Deep Water Organization, bit the dust. The leaders who were not in this mission were in Blue Tear City. Seeing that their leaders were mercilessly defeated this easily, more than 390 Deep Water Organization …

Chapter 50 – Ether Bullet

As the explosion ended, the scene at the cave’s entrance became clearer to the onlookers. The magical shield was unharmed by the spells, protecting the cave resolutely. Elic and the others looked at each other with annoyed expressions. They did not expect that despite their combined spell attacks, as well as the boost from Lilly’s spell, the enemy’s shield was …

Chapter 49 – Epsilon Mask

As the Deep Water Organization’s Imper Level mages stepped back, putting a safe distance between them and the cave, Nick finally came out of hiding and showed himself. However, he could still be considered ‘faceless’ because Nick chose to wear a mask for his first appearance. This was a mask he created when he was first assigned the office in …