chapter 18 – Forced Amputation

Nick carefully used his newly created spell to treat the wound on his left shoulder. The spell took effect slowly, but the pain Nick felt already began diminishing. It would not help him to completely heal a wound like this, but it should nullify the life threat and the amputation risk to his left arm. At least, Nick believed it …

Chapter 17 – Dangerous Injury – Augmentin

After killing the Anderium Deer, Nick was taking deep breaths. He was not affected too much; compared to killing another human being, killing a wild animal was not hard at all. Nick did not need the deer’s carcass. He wanted to wipe off his traces, but he did not want to waste the dead deer. Therefore, he threw the deer’s …

Chapter 16 – Escape and Hunt

Nick woke up refreshed and began studying his surroundings. After noticing that he was sleeping on the ground, he sighed and smiled. He still did not get caught. Without wasting much time, he got up to his feet and followed the map, heading to his destination. Along the way, he took out some food and water from the space ring, …

Chapter 15 – being Free

Nick exhaled a deep breath and finally left the school grounds. By now, not only his face, but his whole body, was drenched in sweat due to the sheer stress. This was not enough to slow him down though, and he only sped up his movement, mixing in with the crowd as fast as he could. While maintaining his brisk …

Chapter 14 – Level System

In his mind, Nick whispered the spell ‘Energy Bullet’. Just as he did so, the spell discreetly manifested itself, and shot towards the back of Elena’s neck. Suddenly, time slowed down from Nick’s perspective. Everything was too sluggish, and laggy. However, as he kept looking at the ‘Energy Bullet’, he had no time to think about anything else. A second …

Chapter 13 – Revenge

Nick smiled and whispered, “With this new spell of mine, I can easily take care of Elena. But before that, I’ve to become proficient in this spell.” Nick knew he had to execute a surprise attack chance. Only that would give him an edge over a formally taught student like Elena. He had to kill her before she could even …

Chapter 12 – Energy Bullet – Escape Plan

With his current discovery, Nick had found a completely different path to get stronger. Now, his chances of escaping this school were higher than ever. As with this way of using mana, he was sure that he could create a brilliant escape plan. The escape plan should be perfect and contain no mistake that can easily be exploited by his …

Chapter 11 – Formula Of Magic

After the class was over, Elena ordered her slave, Nick, to return to his room on his own. Without wasting any time, Nick began walking towards the room silently.  While he was walking towards his room, many thoughts and questions roamed his mind. Most of them were about how that slave was murdered by his master.  “There are so many …

chapter 10 – Dark Amputation

After hearing Teacher Revire’s word, the slave was terrified. She noticed his expression and said, “You don’t have to worry. The amputation method I will use is painless.” After giving her explanation, Revire didn’t wait for that 15 something slave’s consent.  In the mind of a teacher or student there is no time for a slave consent at all. They …

Chapter 9 – Class – Teacher Revira

Sure of the direction he was going to make progress in, Nick smiled. It was good that he thought about picking up magical remains, if not he would be just shooting a target that he could not see with his eyes. “Magical remains should be dangerous because of the nature of magic that emitted them. However, as of right now, …