Chapter – 138 Delivora fish Meat

In the course of the conversation with the Green-Legged Spiders, Epsilon learned that their leader was called Sparia. Sparia was also the captain of the Green-Legged Spider Sattelite spaceship, which was called Arno. After learning about the events they had been through, Epsilon did not make any more comments or ask any further questions. “I can give you fish meat …

chapter – 137 – not Eligible

Once the conversation with the Green-Legged Spider race was done, and Epsilon had a basic understanding of their circumstances, he agreed to meet them on his planet. He felt a bit bad for them being stuck in outer space without a clear survival path. He headed to his burnt down property and the Needle-Drones went back to their stationed place …

Chapter – 136 – explode

Epsilon had dazed Rabial yet one more time, but once he got his hands on what he wanted, and finished saying his part, he did not wait a moment longer at the Underbroom Research Center. He vanished from the Center and appeared in his home. After taking a calming breath, Epsilon first inspected whether the drones were in order and …

Chapter – 135 visit From Space

Epsilon did indeed feel something, which he believed should be the dimensional energy as he entered from the crack. The dimensional energy was different from what he imagined. In some ways, it was a bit mysterious because he could not pinpoint what or how the energy was generated. He did have some thoughts on the matter but that was work …

chapter – 134 Finishing The Gate Project

Soon, Rabial was back in Epsilon’s office at the Underbroom Research Centre. As he entered, he settled himself on the chair, looked into Epsilon’s eyes, and started talking. The decision may have been arrived on fast enough but that did not mean this was not a simple matter. “The headquarters agreed to your request. As long as you complete what …

Chapter – 133 – Biological Research

Similar to most of their interactions in the past, Epsilon was agreeable to Ravia’s proposition for 10 solar panels. He made the exchange and Ravia was all set to take off but before he left, Epsilon did not forget to add a word of caution. “If anyone deliberately researches the technology on this device and if there is any attempt …

chapter – 132 – lord-Level Epsilon

Epsilon took a deep breath and felt that his magical power was even stronger than usual. He checked his status to confirm his power. ‘Status’ ‘Epsilon (Nick)’ ‘Level – Lord – Beginner (52.3 INT)’ ‘INT = 52.3’ ‘Physical = Awakened Human’ ‘Spells’ ‘Sonic Bullet (Variations – Poison Bullet, Machine Gun, Sonic Bullet etc)’ “Plasma Bullet (Variations – Plasma Automatic Bullet …

Chapter – 131 Unusual Dreams

Epsilon had tested Needle-1 successfully before he decided to rest. His mind must still be churning with thoughts because as soon as he closed his eyes, he entered into a multi-dream state. A fast-moving snapshot showed images of a field littered with wounded fighters, their suits bloody and sticky. Red, pink and blue were the new colors of what was …

Chapter – 130 Kinetic Defense Spell

A key task in Epsilon’s checklist was completed. He gave a satisfactory look to his newly created and activated drone and began a ritualistic process of christening it. Without much thought, he spoke out loud as if the drone could hear him. “You will be called Needle-1.” It was a simple but clear-cut name for the maiden product; Epsilon did …

chapter 129 – Drone Project – Gravity Core (Part 2)

Epsilon started drawing on a paper that he self-conjured along with a magical pen. He was designing the drone shape and added details such as weight, height and width. After about an hour, he decided on the drone shape. The drone would be cone-shaped with a tip that was thinner than a needle. Its height would be about 1.5 meters …