9th Story 9

9th Story 9 “Of course you won’t go, you stay at home and accompany Xiaolan well, don’t let her beat my baby grandson.” Xie mother said. “However, his aunt, just us but we can’t read a lot, what can we do in city S?” Aunt Xie’s thought about it, and it must be done because of the grandson of Xie’s …

9th Story 8

9th Story 8 After eating, Li Yueran went home, passed the phone booth by the side of the road, thought for a while, went in and called home, “Hello, Mom?” “Don’t call back from now on!” Xie Mu hang up the phone with a bang. Li Yueran was stunned, and called again, “Mom, what’s the matter? I want to tell …

9th Story 7

9th Story 7 Sister Wang asked again: “Xiao Xie, generally young people like you who are talented and educated are not willing to go on business trips. They are either busy dating or playing. You are different from them.” Li Yueran said with a smile, “If I don’t come, my dad would arrest me and let me go back to …

9th Story 6

9th Story 6 In the room, Father Xie looked at Mother Xie in panic. Before he could pull up his pants, Mother Xie saw the disgusting place at a glance, “So you really did those ugly things outside! Xie Jianguo, you are so shameless! Your son is almost an adult, but he is still doing outside. Now that is good, …

9th Story 5

Kung Hei Fat Choi! 恭喜發財! 9th Story 5 Li Yueran didn’t know about Xie’s father coming to S City to find her while working, because she didn’t call home anymore. But even if she knew, she wasn’t afraid. She guess even if she stand in front of Father Xie now, he might not be able to recognize her! Besides, Li …

9th Story 4

9th Story 4 Hearing her daughter asking for money, Xie’s mother subconsciously said: “No money, how can I have money.” Li Yueran said with deliberately disappointed: “Ah, so, forget it! I’m hanging up.” After finishing speaking like every other month she just put down the phone.Xie’s mother hurriedly called back. Li Yueran hadn’t left yet. Seeing this, she smiled slightly …

9th Story 3

9th Story 3 Mother Xie really jumped up angrily, and she called back angrily, but no one answered. Tried three or four times, but no one answered the phone. Xie mother can’t do anything. When Father Xie came back, he saw that there was no food, his clothes were collected. He looked around angrily, and saw Mother Xie lying on …

9th Story 2

9th Story 2 Li Yueran and Zhang Feifei went to the Hot Spring Holiday Hotel, Li Yueran didn’t have a swimsuit, Zhang Feifei threw her a set directly, “I worn it, I gained weight, I can’t wear it anymore, you are so thin, it’s really nice to wear, save you from buying a new one.” Li Yueran saw that the …

9th Story 1

9th Story 1 *****Domestic violence toward the end of the chapter***** When Li Yueran woke up, she sighed helplessly. Is the system going to take the family ethics line recently? Last time she was a mother who was cheated by her daughter, but this time she turned into a daughter who was cheated to death by her parents and brothers. …

8th Story 10

8th Story 10 End ****Bloody ***** Sensitive issues towards the end of the chapter***** Different from Li Yueran’s happy life, Zhu Hui is now living in dire straits. After she had a miscarriage and recuperated for a few days and went back to work, she found that a project she followed up was given to someone else by the boss. …