Chapter 79: My Uncle Is Zhang Zhongfa

In the Donghai Hospital director’s office, Zhang Zhongfa6Zhang ZhongfaLu Ming7Lu MingXia Xiaomo8Xia XiaomoFemale police officer ’s classmate, working in the hospital; an arsehole’s uncle in the hospital was hugging a shy little nurse in his arms. His face was full of wretchedness. The hospital had issued a notice earlier in the morning. He had officially got rid of the “Vice” …

Chapter 78: These Are All My Friends

Xia Xiaomo8Xia XiaomoFemale police officer was shocked by Lu Ming7Lu MingXia Xiaomo’s classmate, working in the hospital; an arsehole’s attitude; she didn’t expect him to utter such words. Especially when she saw Su Qiubai23Su QiubaiProtagonist, a taxi driver with a powerful and mysterious navigation system. Sometimes written as the old driver in this novel. slowly turning his head back, she …

Chapter 77: What a Coincidence

The onlookers felt strange. The policewoman has been keeping the order well. Why are those people going over? Could it be that they’re policemen as well? Lu Ming7Lu MingXia Xiaomo8Xia XiaomoFemale police officer ’s classmate, working in the hospital; an arsehole, who had been knocked over by Tie Muzhen18Tie MuzhenEmperor Genghis, Genghis Khan19Genghis KhanEmperor Genghis, Tie Muzhen after a slap, …

Chapter 76: Once In A Lifetime

“You almost killed me! Next time, stay as far away as you can from me. If I see you again, don’t even think of studying in Donghai University anymore… Also, let me give you some advice, don’t ever provoke Su Xiaoxiao31Su XiaoxiaoSu Qiubai’s sister; also written as Xiao Xiao in this novel. again. If not, when you die, you wouldn’t …

Chapter 75: You Triggered Him

Xiao Xiao took a glance at Mo Jialing, then turned her head away. She didn’t know that the girl was leading a group of people to deal with her. She didn’t even understand what had happened in the classroom when Mo Jialing just stormed out. However, those uncles didn’t think the same. Looking at Mo Jialing’s eyes, they knew what …

Chapter 74: Danger In History

What’s happening? Did they come into the wrong class? The people in the classroom looked at the door in a daze…What’s this? They couldn’t be blamed for having a reaction like that because what they saw was more than ten brawny men pushing open the classroom door. You’d be shocked too! The teacher frowned. Just as she was about to …

Chapter 73: Reject

Xia Xiaomo8Xia XiaomoFemale police officer ? After pondering a long time, Su Qiubai23Su QiubaiProtagonist, a taxi driver with a powerful and mysterious navigation system. Sometimes written as the old driver in this novel. couldn’t recall such a person. Just as he thought that the person might have called the wrong number, the lady spoke once more. “I was the policewoman …

Chapter 72: Problem

When Cao Toufei heard about the situation, he immediately panicked! He had just seen with his own eyes how those people were like yesterday. Su Qiubai23Su QiubaiProtagonist, a taxi driver with a powerful and mysterious navigation system. Sometimes written as the old driver in this novel. wasn’t around. If everyone went out together, who knew what would happen?! However, he …

Chapter 71: Who Are These People?

Demon Moon tried to be as quiet as possible. Because he had often performed secret missions, the whole process was very smooth. After putting the glass down, Demon Moon heaved a sigh of relief. He was confident that no one would have thought that he would come in from there, because this window probably led to the kitchen. Slowly squeezing …

Chapter 70: The Killers Are Here

It was almost the break of dawn, and George was still anxiously waiting in a small secret base at the outskirts of Donghai City. He was quite nervous. After all, the two famous people were coming soon, and the rumors he had heard about Demon Moon had always been strange. With all the information he had heard, George understood that …