Chapter 34:Dealings(Part 3)

“What are you, kids?” The Old geezer said in shock while he internally thought, “I thought meeting the purple Phoenix would be one of the greatest things that could happen to me… But the children next to him are even bigger monsters.” “You’re Alive!” Hyde shouted after hearing the old man’s voice. Sprinting towards him Hyde hugged him. “Ermm… Kid, …

Chapter 33:Dealings(Part 2)

“Yeah, the Primordial Devil bloodline…” “But I thought you said it was unlikely to be inherited!” Frey got off his ‘chair’ looking shocked. “Didn’t you tell them yourself that they had three bloodlines?” Grey continued to drink his tea. “Yeah, but I was blabbering. I meant it as they have the possibility of getting three bloodlines.” “Well, It appeared after …

Chapter 32:Dealings

“Now, what should we do about this?” “Rock You snake even have the guts to reference me as an ex-leader. I should” The Old geezer berated until he was interrupted by Rock putting his hand up. “A cripple like you has no right to insult me! Let me show you the difference in our status.” “The former sergeant is still …

Chapter 31:The Rat

We will use the purple-eyed boy’s flames to burn the bars,” The Old geezer said with absolute certainty in his tone. “No, he doesn’t even know it is there how is he supposed to burn the bars?” Demios retorted as he looked at his clueless brother who couldn’t feel his right eye shining with a fiery light. “Then how about …

Chapter 30:Breakout

~~~~ “Now here’s what we are going to do.” –Quick flashback Banging his head in frustration Demios kept trying to think of different methods to escape as he internally thought ” Prison Break escape… no, that won’t work…white collar maybe but how would that even apply here? It’s not like we have some destined rival that helps us in the …

Chapter 29:Prison

~~~~~~ “My lady we got the hostages” A man clothed in all black bowed to Fiona waiting for her response. “Oh Greg, your back already… Hmm, is that so? Throw them into my slammer it’s been a while since we’ve had fresh blood. Hahahahaha,” Fiona laughed as she wondered what sort of reaction Black would have when he found out …

Chapter 28: Decisions

~~~ Demios stood there on stage with a calm smile after initially being angered by their protests. Miko, Hyde, and Co, who was watching the incident unfold, ran to the stage to support Demios as the heckling continued. “Arrogant Scum who only knows how to bully the weak!” “Why are you even here?” “Leave! Pretty boy, we don’t need you …

Chapter 27:Not Possible

“Its Hyde’s fight now after the quickie that was Miko’s fight I’m guessing Hyde’s is going to try to beat it,” Demios said watching the stage with a calm expression. ” Yeah, he was always a show-off, but I can’t believe how easy that fight was?” Miko began to play with his knuckles in confusion as he genuinely wondered what …

Chapter 26:One punch

A middle-aged man who was filled with battle scars from head to toe was leading walking towards the competitor’s area the group. He was analysing the group with a confused look, although he recognised Naru and Basto the man didn’t understand where these pretty boys came from and the weird marks on their neck, he had a feeling that more …

Chapter 25: Experience

“Huh, Dinner?” Valet replied with a guilty expression before stammering.“We already ate our food a while ago… theirs is nothing left.” “Oh, is that so? Goodnight then” Hyde passed out again next to his brothers. Deep into sleep as though their conversation never happened. “What a strange guy?” A tall brown haired boy said about eight or nine with a …